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Evening on New permission with cz

Evil Elvis

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:oops: A friend of mine had a 2.5 acre garden and had been looking for for someone to sort out his rabbit "infestation" hes got us permission from the local farmer to shoot on the 28 acres around his house to reduce the rabbit damage. I could not believe my eyes when i got there, there were rabbits grazing his lawn!!! There is a 6' brick wall all the way around...great backstop!!!

I took my gun just to have a look, and while i was standing talking to the owner managed to shoot six from 30 to 59 yards!!


He has a spaniel that he senyt to retrieve each one...what a great dog!!!


I was only shooting for an hour. Ie I was there on my own and didnt have my daughter jabbering on Im sure a big bag is possible...i was happy with 6 in that time!!!!!


The closest shot, 30 yards was through the back of the head.....eeeeuuuuww...what a wound!!!! :hmm:



That headshot:



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You big girl, it's a tool, not a new member of the family :lol:


I had some on mine until recently as the barrel was glinting in the lamp, but as I don't lamp at the moment I took it all off.

Don't listen to anyone who says it leaves a residue, if you use the bow tape and wipe the barrel/mod down with alchohol afterwards it comes off just fine.

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:lol: i cant believe i wasted all these years on airguns!!!!! Have i mentioned that I love my cz? :lol:



Elvis. I have exactly the same gun. For the money they are unbelievable value. The build is a bit utilitarian but hey what the heck you can get them dirty and hose em down afterwards. I was suprised how good the trigger was.


I also have a synthetic Sako Quad in the same calibre which was almost 300 more but its not twice the gun by any means.


I find the CZ retains its accuracy very well. I last zeroed my scope two years ago and havent cleaned the gun since and it still hits a 50p at 40m !!


If any one is looking for a very good LR at a competitive price They wouldnt go far wrong with the CZ.




PS I use a matt black Parker Hale Moderator on mine.

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