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it's no secret, i love tattoos. i have 4 (left and right upper arms, left and right inner wrists). i could spend all day and night talking about them, and looking at them.


yeah, they can get addictive, and i've far from finished decorating my body.


but what's with all this whining about how on earth they're gonna look when you get old and wrinkly?


so what? isn't life for living now? do you really think i'm gonna care what i look like, if i get to that age?

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Darebear, my comments on how they will look was aimed at the young girls who have them done only to turn into lardarses, most men when having tats done don't get much bigger, well not where the tats are :-)))


Edited by MGMan
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all these tattoo's that have fadeed none of mine have and dont look like bruise's ?

I can only imagine that modern inks do not fade as the old ones do/did, if I was smart enough to put a pic of the tattoos on my arm on here, you would not be able to recognise what it was 45 years ago.

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Darebear, most men when having tats done don't get much bigger, well not where the tats are :-)))







that is a line just waiting to be played with.


ha ha



edit: but i'm not touching it lol


true we dont get bigger we get wider ha ha

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it's no secret, i love tattoos. i have 4 (left and right upper arms, left and right inner wrists). i could spend all day and night talking about them, and looking at them.


yeah, they can get addictive, and i've far from finished decorating my body.


but what's with all this whining about how on earth they're gonna look when you get old and wrinkly?


so what? isn't life for living now? do you really think i'm gonna care what i look like, if i get to that age?

Just completed a mental image of the Great Hoolie Thing in my little innocent head. :good::lol::lol:



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Many many moons ago .

When Mr Sweepy and myself were courting (do people still call it that) :lol:

Sweepy decided he wanted to add to his tattoo collection(yes he has a collection). :good:

Now this was back in the days when i was earning alot more then sweepy.(Now just a distant memory.)

So i be young(ish) and mady in love(dont tell sweepy)offered to pay for it. :lol::lol:

When we got to the shop i decided that i would only part with £30. Well we had only been going out a few weeks . And i really didnt think it would last. (we got married four months later :lol: ).

So we look over the designs and came up with one we both liked.


Now with this tat sweepy could have a name of three letters added to it. ;) So off he trott. And left me in the waiting room daydreaming .

As i sat their my mind wonder to how happy i was to have found my sweepy . Who was now sitting in the chair going though unknown pain to have a name added to his tattoos .The name of three letters .Now what could that name be ;)

suzan, no to many letters

Suzy, one letter to many.

I know Sue yes sue.

Now if that was not a sign of true love i dont what would be.

So their i sat patiently for my hero. To walk out of that room with my name forever etch on his skin. ;)










About two hours later he comes out proudly showing off his new tattoo.

And in BIG BOLD BLACK LETTERS was the word. Yes your guess it ................MUM :lol: :lol: :lol::lol: (Wont have minded so much if i had not paid for the ******thing)



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it's no secret, i love tattoos. i have 4 (left and right upper arms, left and right inner wrists). i could spend all day and night talking about them, and looking at them.


yeah, they can get addictive, and i've far from finished decorating my body.


but what's with all this whining about how on earth they're gonna look when you get old and wrinkly?


so what? isn't life for living now? do you really think i'm gonna care what i look like, if i get to that age?

Just completed a mental image of the Great Hoolie Thing in my little innocent head. :blush::lol::P





you had better hope that we never meet FM. because if i even so much as get a whiff that you are gonna be in the vicinity, i'm bringing my tattoo gun, and am going to tattoo '666' in girlie pink...... RIGHT ACROSS YOUR FOREHEAD!



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Seriously if you see the quality of them then the tattoist would also have to be either seriously drunk or stoned as well.


I'll PM you a couple of Bebo links for some pics of them later.


FM :blush:

Don't do it Ollie, a tattooist's needle would go right through your arms, and most other parts of you come to think about it.

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it's no secret, i love tattoos. i have 4 (left and right upper arms, left and right inner wrists). i could spend all day and night talking about them, and looking at them.


yeah, they can get addictive, and i've far from finished decorating my body.


but what's with all this whining about how on earth they're gonna look when you get old and wrinkly?


so what? isn't life for living now? do you really think i'm gonna care what i look like, if i get to that age?


Lets see these tattoo's then, there's a lot of posts here so far but not a lot of pictures.

Darebear, you seem to like yours so your bound to have some pics somewhere.

I'm not going to be the only person here that's going to post pics am I?

You've all seen my weird face and 'weirder' tattoo, lets see yours!

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Lets see these tattoo's then, there's a lot of posts here so far but not a lot of pictures.

Darebear, you seem to like yours so your bound to have some pics somewhere.

I'm not going to be the only person here that's going to post pics am I?

You've all seen my weird face and 'weirder' tattoo, lets see yours!



hmm good point. i shall look some up for the thread.

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As far as the fading goes, i had mine done on my shoulder 20 odd years ago by Lal Hardy and was told to keep it covered in the sun or at least put sunblock on it when i got me man boobs out. Did as i was told and it seems to have worked a treat - Very little fading indeed. The faded ones you see are generally on forearms where you tend to have more sun exposure (short sleeved shirts etc), which fades them out.


I want to get one done with my daughter's names or initials in the design, but can't quite get the artwork how i'd like it - Ho hum :hmm:

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