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TV Programme on the Fur Trade

pigeon master

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Hello fellas,


Just a quick message to ask if anyone saw the evil f@#@@@ in China skinning mans best friend alive for the fur trade.


Ive placed a link thats signs a petition to Mr Gordon Brown an his gang.


Hope you visit and sign and if we all spread the word we may ***** up someones ears on the subject.





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Terrible as it is, the Chinese aren't known for listing to anyone.


I always like a bit of perspective now and then. What about an e-petition for the Chinese school teacher who (after 9000 children and teachers in his school died following the recent earthquake) spoke out about the corrupt building practices - shoddy builders, back handers to local party officials and foundations packed out with newspaper and all that. Well he got 1 year hard labour (no trial) for bringing the party into disrepute <<link>>. Imagine being a teacher at a school where all the kids got squashed and you get a year for suggesting the buildings weren't upto it and sticking some photos on the web. So then, now about these dogs....

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Jerico I agree with you on this one. I dont think what they did was right but then again there are people who think hunting is inhumane and should be banned. I would not want China telling me what I should do and if thats the way things are done over there who are we to change it. Dont buy fur and there will be no market for it. (gets under Jerico's tin hat)



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I thought the program was very well balanced, and the conclusion was right.

It showed the top, middle and bottom end of the production techniques, no one in their rght mind could say what goe son in China isn't barbaric.

The only answer is for the buyers to insist on only buy humanely produced fur, until then, I can't see anything changing.

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Its a shame to say that the F@(|<1*= EVIl treatment of dogs in china is not the worst thing going on out there. For one if a person so much as speaks out againts their commy government they end up in the dock and they manage to suppress an entire nation (Tibet) without the world doing anything. It IS evil what happens to dogs and cats out there but unfourtunatly nothings gonna change in the near future.


I hate to see that they often use labradors, and having a big black lab makes watchin the videos and seeing the pictures all the worse.

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I saw some of the progamme and was completely revolted by the scenes in China. There was a skinned animal blinking and moving its face - some kind of dog or maybe a fox. I never saw such barbarity in my life and turned it off. The Chinese are worlds apart from us in their attitude towards animals and cruelty. Clearly, many of us here would be regarded as cruel barbarians by some in our own society for shooting animals for sport. I don't think I was cruel last evening in shooting 21 rabbits. Most died within a second, and one where I got the windage wrong, received a second shot within thirty seconds as soon as it stopped moving so I could shoot again. Whatever those who disapprove of shooting would have thought of that, the focus of the activity was to bring instant death to the rabbits. In this film, they deliberately didn't kill the creatures quickly, because they didn't want to spoil the fur. They were simply subdued by a few blows and then completely skinned alive and conscious. This was a vile thing to see and I turned it off.


I am usually very much against government intervention in almost anything because they mess up so much of what they do and just bind us all up in regulations, but in this case I would favour an ethical fur trading scheme where it is against the law to source fur from any non accredited source. Acreditation would involve animal inspectors being present on scene wherever fur is produced to ensure that humane conditions apply from beginning to end. So fur would cost a lot more? Good. No harm in that. At least we could be confident that animals were not being skinned alive and that dogs were not being tortured to death which is what happened.

Edited by Evilv
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Terrible as it is, the Chinese aren't known for listing to anyone.


I always like a bit of perspective now and then. What about an e-petition for the Chinese school teacher who (after 9000 children and teachers in his school died following the recent earthquake) spoke out about the corrupt building practices - shoddy builders, back handers to local party officials and foundations packed out with newspaper and all that. Well he got 1 year hard labour (no trial) for bringing the party into disrepute <<link>>. Imagine being a teacher at a school where all the kids got squashed and you get a year for suggesting the buildings weren't upto it and sticking some photos on the web. So then, now about these dogs....




Perspective indeed. Humane treatment for dogs is unlikely until they grasp the concept of humane treatment for humans.



Jerico I agree with you on this one. I dont think what they did was right but then again there are people who think hunting is inhumane and should be banned. I would not want China telling me what I should do and if thats the way things are done over there who are we to change it. Dont buy fur and there will be no market for it. (gets under Jerico's tin hat)




Room for a third under there Harry?



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I understand some of the comments, but to have an opinion of not wanting to get involved in another countries activities I find amazing…you would be German now if everyone felt that way but I’m not here to criticise


After the programme I looked into this a bit more and found out that this is going on in Sofia in Bulgaria. Stray dogs caught and skinned alive for the fur trade. Like some have said about the dog blinking after having its skin ripped off has left me mentally scared, and to think this is going on where some of us brits holiday just kills me.


Just wanted to do something so I placed the link, I’m not stupid enough to think we could stop it, but most of us have dogs we spend many hours with and I ask you people to pass the word about Bulgaria and boycott the ******* place.

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I understand some of the comments, but to have an opinion of not wanting to get involved in another countries activities I find amazing…you would be German now if everyone felt that way but I’m not here to criticise


If dogs try to take over the world and gas any other dogs that has had the snip then rest assured i'll be first in line with a pen :hmm:

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