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knock off nigel


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A superb film!


I should like to point out though that iTunes and the brave new world of electronic (legal) downloads is nto so different to the old ways. Yes, you can get the tracks you want rather than buy the whole album, but we in the UK pay 99p for a track... The US pays 99c and in Europe they py 79c.


Another sign??? Who said legal downloads were fair anyway?

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Drug dealers messing about with pirate DVD's?


They must be quite low down on the criminal chain.


To keep within the law you lot should do what I do....


Wait a concerable amout of time until the film you want to watch is on the .99p shelf..... For example I have only just watched the Bond film 'A view to a kill' and the 'The Patriot'............


Sitting smugly in my chair knowing it has cost me sod all to watch ??????:yes:


Do people from suffolk have to think of all the good idea's????????

Have to agree with you here, I've just bought a couple that have been out for a few months, and are therefore cheaper, I recommend them both, "Dam busters" and "Reach for the sky".





I like your style.


If these films appeal Bob, you might want to look out for a more modern take on the war genre - The Dirty Dozen. It features up and coming young stars such as Lee Marvin and Charles Bronson.


Obviously it's quite new, so you'll probably want to wait a while before investing in the DVD :good: .



DVD? Is that like 35mm? I'm afraid that my viewing is a bit jerky nowadays, it's difficult to maintain a constant turning speed on the projector. I saw a new release last night, had a young chap called Buster Keaton in it, he will go far, trust me.

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I thought I might just chime in, :good:


Whilst I agree with the copyright issue, some people might like to put me straight…


I was under the impression that copyright is a CIVIL matter

The quality of a downloaded movie/song is reduced due to encoding eg MP3, thus any film or music downloaded is not fit for purpose


If copyright is such an issue, can the likes of BBC iplayer, C4od, CNN etc… be breaching copyright, even then do I have to destroy my video tapes, copies of cds to use in the car (so the originals don’t get damaged) , sky plus box and DVR?


The people who are being referred to by the OP are selling copies of films that are substandard quality and allegedly using the profits for criminal activity, It would be nice to see their balance sheets, but somehow I don’t think they keep detailed records so this is speculative?


One last thing.. Does no-one actually listen to music these days? The quality of MP3s is appalling!


Please wear your ear defenders when out shooting as I fear you are loosing your hearing :good::hmm:

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Speaking from first hand experience i have yet to come across the link between piracy and drugs and prostitution.

What would qualify me to say this !! Well for many years i modified consoles as a sideline My main clients where generally "knock off nigel" as there sales relied upon consoles being able to play backup cd/dvd so i came across many different people

i will be careful how i word this !

Some where civil servants some where government workers some where mangers in large industry ...

one thing i noticed most worked in places that afforded them opportunity's to dispose of there backups @ work mostly to colleagues and friends..

One thing they had im common was they all worked in fair paid jobs and to the best of my knowledge non where pimps or drug pushers.. Whilst i acknowledge there must have been some financial incentive involved i never got the impression they where the kind of people to steal directly from other people as per the silly adverts on @ the moment !!

It to me seems a lame attempt at putting people off doing what i have mentioned above by making it grubby and unsavory !!

I question why they gave up on the copy dvd drugs prostitution link ??

Its all about effect as this thread is here its working

But can i ask do you genuinely think that the people @ work who knock out a few dvds are all drug dealers and thief's ?

if you do the media brain washing is working as is evident in this tread :good:


This whole piracy drive is to protect an huge money making industry , Your oblivious if you do not realize this is corporate powers putting pressures on the likes of your isp ,the courts , trading standards there own privately funded copyright police

to do one thing protect there coffers ..


Its a shame theres not the funding they have available to spend on a worthy course im sure each one of us could think of a better place to spend all this money i know hows about catching the drug dealers !!!! now theres a thought ....


Ohh and if anyone is worried if my mod activity is legal its a little gray due to one of the largest players being convicted in Oct 07 and then the case being overturned at the Supreme Court of Appeal on 11 June 2008 by two Lords of justice ...

and as i don't do it anymore i guess i should be safe :good:

Edited by jayward
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Simple possession of a dodgy disk is not an offence. You will not get nicked for buying a ropey copy. It is only an offence to sell, distribute etc or if you have any intention to profit from the possession.


As for the post as to not ever linking pirate DVD action with other types of crime.....get real mate.....believe me their is a massive link.....crims will take the path of least resistance to make as much money as possible.....get caught with 10 grands worth of coke and you are going. dosame amount of copied disks might at the worst get you a few month inside if your record is appauling...otherwise probably just a hefty fine.


No link to other crimes.....don't think so

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Speaking from first hand experience i have yet to come across the link between piracy and drugs and prostitution.

What would qualify me to say this !! Well for many years i modified consoles as a sideline My main clients where generally "knock off nigel" as there sales relied upon consoles being able to play backup cd/dvd so i came across many different people

i will be careful how i word this !

Some where civil servants some where government workers some where mangers in large industry ...

one thing i noticed most worked in places that afforded them opportunity's to dispose of there backups @ work mostly to colleagues and friends..

One thing they had im common was they all worked in fair paid jobs and to the best of my knowledge non where pimps or drug pushers.. Whilst i acknowledge there must have been some financial incentive involved i never got the impression they where the kind of people to steal directly from other people as per the silly adverts on @ the moment !!

It to me seems a lame attempt at putting people off doing what i have mentioned above by making it grubby and unsavory !!

I question why they gave up on the copy dvd drugs prostitution link ??

Its all about effect as this thread is here its working

But can i ask do you genuinely think that the people @ work who knock out a few dvds are all drug dealers and thief's ?

if you do the media brain washing is working as is evident in this tread :good:


This whole piracy drive is to protect an huge money making industry , Your oblivious if you do not realize this is corporate powers putting pressures on the likes of your isp ,the courts , trading standards there own privately funded copyright police

to do one thing protect there coffers ..


Its a shame theres not the funding they have available to spend on a worthy course im sure each one of us could think of a better place to spend all this money i know hows about catching the drug dealers !!!! now theres a thought ....


Ohh and if anyone is worried if my mod activity is legal its a little gray due to one of the largest players being convicted in Oct 07 and then the case being overturned at the Supreme Court of Appeal on 11 June 2008 by two Lords of justice ...

and as i don't do it anymore i guess i should be safe :P



;) most of drugies i know wouldnt know how to turn a pc on let a lone dowload films.

and i know a few fellas into films and music,and they family men with no criminal records or drug abuse. :(

the only way to stop piracy is to drop price of records and movies,they ll soon stop then cos they wont make no money on it. :lol:

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The cd and dvd copying market is flooded at the moment. There's so many selling them at car boot sales, pubs, work place its a very competetive market for the buyers


Leeds boot sale run by council allow stall holders to sell copied cd's 200 current albums with all artwork in MP3 format £9, 5 for £10 or 11 for 20 top DVD titles at cinema now on retail and some on telesync. Copied utilities software and photo shop worth ££££ for a couple quid


PS 3 and xbox games mobile phone games 100 for a couple quid


Fake clothing g star diesel armani paul frank prada boss


Duty free tobacco and cigs


You name it they sell it. Police and customs occasionally bust the sellers but they are back the week after with fresh stock


I saw a guy help the police and customs load up there van with his own gear they had confiscated and they were all having a laugh and a joke. He wasn't arressted. He was back the week after trading :good:


So do you they anyone gives a flying **** that someone on here admits to downloading from Limewire? :yes::lol::lol::lol:





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