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Distgusting hotel deserves to close

Dr W

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It's not the start but another example or where our boys and girls in the armed forces are prejudiced against, they already can't wear their uniforms as they were getting abuse on the streets and now one is refused a room?


Should this be tolerated?

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I agree I'm not one to go crazy however they could have issued a comment saying it was a member of staff's decision who has now been removed from front office duties or has been reprimanded or simply apologise over the mix up etc but they haven't and I think it's too late to do when they realise the mistake they have made and try and save themselves.


I have left them some feedback with my feelings about this and I intend to leave a few reviews on travel sites that also express my feelings.

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bear in mind woking is near a number of bases, my thoughts is some squaddies have done damage to the hotel and probably not paid for it. They can be animals at times so I'd just ask a few more questions before jumping at the headline as there will be more to it than meets the eye

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I think I will be sending them my thoughts via emal. :P


I agree.



Maybe this may be of some help to you and others.




This country has been gripped by the tumour of socialism and pathetic left wing thinking. Everything that made this nation great at one time has been spurned and flushed down the toilet by people like these and the vermin that infest local government, the Church, schools, social work departments, and just about everywhere. It is a plague of mediocrity and revolting values. They should have put this young man up for free, given him three pints of beer, dinner and breakfast; instead, they humiliated him and sent him out of the door to sleep like a down and out.




I read with disgust how your staff turned away a soldier who came to your hotel. I want you to know that I and millions of people in this country will remember the name of the Metro Hotel Woking and will avoid patronising your establishment at all costs. My son works in Woking, but when I am visiting, I'd like you to know that I would rather sleep on a park bench than step inside your hotel.


This country owes a debt of gratitude to these men. It is a mark of the pathetic plight of the UK today that people like your staff member and management team have acted the way they have. Your establishment is a disgrace. You should be deeply ashamed.



Edited by Evilv
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bear in mind woking is near a number of bases, my thoughts is some squaddies have done damage to the hotel and probably not paid for it. They can be animals at times so I'd just ask a few more questions before jumping at the headline as there will be more to it than meets the eye


Thats a fair point. :P But they could have issued a statement.

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Shame on them. The Americans treat theirs like heroes. Here we turn them away.They must be stupid not to have anticipated the reaction of the public.


Don't forget that there is a proportion of the public who are prepared to spit on and abuse soldiers in uniform. I wouldn't mind betting that a fair proportion of them are of the sort we have imported over the last thirty years. We have a fifth column of disloyal, un British people here now. Some of them are from families who have lived here for many generations and others are not.


I wouldn't mind betting that at least half the population couldn't care less about this man's humiliation, and that a fair proportion of them would find it perfectly acceptable.



I never thought it right or wise to invade Iraq with the Americans, but it was the politicians who made that decision, and not the men that were sent there to do their bidding.

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bear in mind woking is near a number of bases, my thoughts is some squaddies have done damage to the hotel and probably not paid for it. They can be animals at times so I'd just ask a few more questions before jumping at the headline as there will be more to it than meets the eye


Agree fair point but surely that would apply to a group of them who'd been on the lash etc not one guy on his own who then had to sleep in his car?

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The boys out there fighting for us have my upmost respect and so do their familys left behind.

But living in the garrison town i can understand fully why it advisable for then not to walk around in uniform.

I can also understandwhy some places might refuse military people.


Its the problem that has always been around long long time before these conflicts ever started.

You only have to be in my town on the friday night to see that joe public +uniform is the time bomb waiting to go off.

And most of the time its down to the egos and not the war.


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Two sides to the story as always, maybe even three . .

Alex and Suzy have said it, and if anyone went out for a drink in Windsor on a Friday/Saturday night when the barracks were in full use you could almost gaurantee seeing a mass brawl with lashed up squaddies at the centre of it - the small minority ruining it for the rest as always, but they aren't all angels when back on leave.

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Two sides to the story as always, maybe even three . .

Alex and Suzy have said it, and if anyone went out for a drink in Windsor on a Friday/Saturday night when the barracks were in full use you could almost gaurantee seeing a mass brawl with lashed up squaddies at the centre of it - the small minority ruining it for the rest as always, but they aren't all angels when back on leave.


I am sure that this is true, but as in all judgements about people, you shouldn't look at something about an individual that identifies him as belonging to a certain group, and then assume that he is going to be just like the worst examples of that group. If a bunch of lashed up soldiers arrived at a hotel, stinking of drink and behaving in a loud and drunken manner, they would have every reason to decline to take them in. If five minutes later a quiet man arrives, sober and presentable and asks for a room, it is unacceptable to refuse him because he wore the same uniform. Would we apply this kind of discrimination to blacl people, homosexuals, women?

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as ever you need to look past the sensational headline, the guy wasn't made to sleep in his car he could have looked elsewhere but that doesn't make quite such a good story. It also doesn't say if they gave a reason for turning him away but one things for sure I don't reckon it will have been anything other than due to the actions of other squaddies.

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I think it stinks! I could understand if it was twenty lads on leave and having a good time, as a lot of places don't accept single sex group bookings because of the trouble that can come with them. To turn away an individual, especially in this case, is wrong. The guy and his mate have been hurt whilst trying to make our lives safer, so in my view he should be well looked after.


This hotels manager should be bent over and dealt with :P

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