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What would you recomend to me calibre wise ! ! ! !

Salop Matt

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Okay folks providing I get the land and the thumbs up from the land owner and FEO i would like my FAC at some point.Bunnys mainly and the coccasional crow sub 60yrds. I would be sticking to as smaller buget as possible and would only ever shoot to 80yrds max as that is where i feel is the top of my accuricy for hunting lie`s .


Am thinking .22 with the option of semi and or bolt, with buy 300 store 500. I would only really soot for the pot unless asked for large scale vermin control.


Mrs SS is veggi so i figure i may as well go and enjoy the stalk and shoot but also eat the meat rather than buying supermaket meat and its cheaper than the buchers epesally as its only to feed me or the occasion BBQ when i can try to convert some folk to try bunn.

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Don't even bother with mixing stingers and subs - just stick to subs (no confusion between zeroes then). Essex Police seems unwilling to grant more than 'buy 500, hold 750', stating that it's not exactly difficult to find a local RFD around here. That ties in with the Home Office guidance on quantities too. I pay about £30 per 500 for Winchester subsonics.


Get yourself a CZ, plonk a bipod, a SAK mod and a good scope on it, and you're away. With experience you'll be able to bowl bunnies over at 100 yards off a piod or bag.

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.22rf :stupid: Not sure what West Mercia will do for you from a new application, but I brought my 1500/1000 hold/purchase with me to Salop from Cumbria and they were fine with it, so all they will do is ask to reduce it, so go for what you really want.


I would have a play with both hypers & subs to see what you like, but it is likely you will only stick to subs at the end of the day...but nothing ventured nothing gained! :good:

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Second vote for RWS subs here. Lovely little round, very consistant and the groups out at 60m are visibly tighter than the Winnie Subs I use at the moment.


One point to note is that the Home Office guidelines for firearms states that economies of scale are not a good reason for purchasing/holding large amounts of ammo. I doubt that even going out twice a week will see you going out to the gunshop too much if you get 500, hold 600.


As for price, .22s about about 30 notes or so a brick of 500. compared to over a ton for the same number of .17HMR, it's a good reason to buy a .22.

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usually about £11 a box of 50, the big perks with it is the kill ratio which generally is very good. It is more a "sniping" caliber and very humane as you do have a lot more power at hand along with flatter shooting so you get confident taking longer shots. I actually won't use a .22lr anymore on my permission as I hate the noise of a ricochet disapearing off. Ok the word backstop springs to mind but they bounce over things it takes the fun out of it for me especially bearing in mind most of my shots are off a pickup so fairly high shooting down into the ground. Generally you don't get them with the HMR and those you do the bullet is far smaller and generally once its impacted the ground it breaks up and doesn't go far, versus the 40 grains or so of .22lr ammo that doesn't break up and retains energy.

I shoot a fair number of rabbits and cost wise it isn't an issue its actually cheaper for me than using a shotgun

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Sorry Baldrick,i disagree with you.Salop Sniper should go for hyper-velocity rounds as well as subsonic just in case he might come across the odd fox,therefore he`ll have more hitting power than a subsonic round!ATB.


As i had put above, i would want 50-100 at most hyper for charlie as you say. :good:


As long as he knows where each round is zero'd of course


And In agreement here to . I would get zero on the subs and then fire at 30,40,50 and 60 yards to see the difference on POI for the hyper, would also paint the under side of a mag red which would only ever have the hyper rounds in and kept in a seperate pocket whilest out shooting. :hmm:

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It <may> not be as simple as that, depending on how your gun shoots.

Having zero'd with subs, hypers shoot very high in mine, but also left as well, so I would have to hold under and guess the rest.

I used to carry a 5 shot mag with some in, in my pocket, but gave taway all my hypers as I never saw my self using them for that very reason.

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If you want a flexible round for fox, rabbits, crows and that sort of thing, then you would be better off going for a .17HMR. One round for everything, no need to re-zero for the other type of rounds, that sort of thing.


Yes, it's like a laser out to 150 yards. Yes, it hits hard. Yes, it's less likely to ricochet. But then again, it's louder and more expensive too. Swings and roundabouts I guess. Cheap and quiet or...


You could also consider .22WMR, but that's even more specialist than .17HMR and so will be even more expensive.

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Getting back to the original question, a calibre for bunnies and crows under 60 yards then the .22lr is the perfect calibre for you. I use only Eley subs in mine. I think you should not go down the HV route to be honest I've always found them a waste of time. I'd also agree with stuart, I think two different rounds out on the same night is making life more difficult than needs be.


This isn't about which calibre is better, it's about which is best for SS for the tasks he's looking to get done.


Magman rightly says it's all you need out to 80 yards :good:


If you were to ask the question which is better beyond that range then yes the HMR has the advantage. Still, I can group around and under an inch on good days with subs at 100 yards. In the heel of the hunt though dead is dead and bugs or Mr. Crow won't give a toss which he gets killed with.


Go for the .22lr.


Everyone should own one.

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John's got a point. The .22 fits your needs really well and it's cheap to shot as well.


The police should not have a problem with either calibre as long as you are confident of your backstops and show them as such when they interview you. Yes, .22 my ricochet more, but you'll be taking precautions by shoting into a good backstop won't you?


As for price, you can get a new CZ452 in .22 for under 300, put on 100 quids worth of low light capable scope (Deben sport HD for example) and a 30 quid moderator (SAK is fine) and still have change for a bipod and a brick of subs.out of 500 notes. That's _NEW_. go second hand and you can get the same for half that. And, whilst CZ may not be very classy, they are accurate and reliable and that's all you really need.

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