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Even though there a couple of weeks to go the fireworks have already started.


Only difference this year is that I am convincved that some of the bangs I have heard sound very

Much like they are from a gun.


I know for a fact that a guy in the next road has several guns and wondered if it was him.


I've never been in this house for fireworks before, but I'm sure I can tell the difference in sounds.


Has anyone else experienced the same thing?

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Yes,here we go again and my poor dog hates them, :good: is there any way to stop her getting scared of the noise,she does not even like thunder :good:

yes, ban them, only have orgonised events, saves a lot of people getting injured, and a little less stress on the animals around them.

and put the festival of light on a one night basses :good:

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one of my mates was at a bonfire night few years back, stray firework came at them, he ducked and it hit a little girl in the face, was in the natioanl papers... although entertaining (not what happned) then really need to up the age you can legally buy them, far too many kids running around in the street thinking they are funny firing them at people

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i think as most of them are seriously explosive shouldnt they be only available to organised events as they can kill like real bombs and should only be available to those holding an explosives license this way none of the idiots can get their hands on them

and anyone caught selling them or posessing them without a license should face the same penaltys as anyone holding illeagal firearms etc

wouldnt you think the way things have been over the past few years the penny would drop (divvy gov) fireworks altho entertaining they are still explosives and can serously injure or kill

some fireworks will hold upto a 1lb if not more gunpowder and the idiots can buy them its the most dangerous combination


one idiot and one big firework = trouble


its simple maths shame the goverment cant do simple sums


anyway thats my opinion

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I thought there was a change in the law that prevented them selling before and after a certain date :good:

The idea was that it would prevent nonsense like this whereby old folks, and peaceful law abiding citizens and pets didn't have to put up with all that noise for ages :good:



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Yes,here we go again and my poor dog hates them, :good: is there any way to stop her getting scared of the noise,she does not even like thunder :good:

yes, ban them, only have orgonised events, saves a lot of people getting injured, and a little less stress on the animals around them.

and put the festival of light on a one night basses :good:


Your both right no one in the country should be allowed them incase it worries your dog.



Honestly people learn to live and let live.


It will be the same people you have banned from having fireworks that believe Guns could be argued as dangerous because they dont like them and think they should therefore be banned also :good:

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