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It looked pretty obvious that Obama would win up until a week ago. However Dan Cooper (boss of Cooper Arms of Montana) making a private donation to the Obama campaign has caused massive upset in middle America. The NRA and the 2nd Amendment disciples are doing all they can to sway any fellow rednecks that would otherwise have voted Obama, on the grounds that he is anti gun-ownership.


If McCain gets in, I reckon he will die in office, and Palin is just a disaster waiting to happen. Obama is clearly a two-faced dangerous lunatic, but he has a cult of personality that McCain could never achieve.


So the bet I made last week that Obama would wipe the floor doesn't look so black and white now (pun intended), with the pro-gun lobby sabotaging his campaign.

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If Obama wins there and changes the gun laws, expect ours to change soon after



Bring back Carter, only honest President they've ever had.




can ours change much more,iv just come back from there, and the boys on the farms are buying guns like mad with no paper work, so no trace.they know if and he will get ,obama will change the law.

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