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Have you made your own knife?


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I made a handle for an old blade Dad had in the garage. When I'm next home, I'll try and get a picture to upload. I'm also getting some more knifemaking materials for Christmas hopefully. It's really satisfying completing a project like it.

Search for British Blades forum - plenty of useful information on there.



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I made a handle for an old blade Dad had in the garage. When I'm next home, I'll try and get a picture to upload. I'm also getting some more knifemaking materials for Christmas hopefully. It's really satisfying completing a project like it.

Search for British Blades forum - plenty of useful information on there.




Cheers mate - will do that now!



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Got to admit im very interested in trying this myself, i watched a guy on YouTube make one out of a file, the heating process worries me a bit but i guess i could always use the chimmey heater in the garden todo this..but i would have to think about how i would go about the final heat stage to make the steel hard again.

But im thinking it would be great to make a knife myself.




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This is not in the intention of this thread as I am sure you mean much smarter knives that you see Ray Mears sporting around his neck in fancy leather.


However I've made a few very good marking out knives from old machine hacksaw blades. Grind the teeth off and you have some superb steel that takes a fine edge which lasts. And being the animal I am sometimes (when smart brass rivets are not required) I just glue (epoxy) a couple of pieces of wood onto the steel and round them over as the handle. Works a treat, one I have been using for marking out for over 20 years.

Edited by malkiserow
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Nice looking knife.

I really should concerntrate on one hobby at a time...

I really want to get shooting, not I want to start making knifes and I still have a mk1 escort rs2000 in bits in the garage and a house to finish decorating.

One day :good:

Edited by GJUK
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