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Air Rifel @ 12.12 ft /bs - FAC required?????


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I have just had my Webley Eclipse .22 under lever tested at my local gun shop on the Chrono, and on the average it came out at about 12.18 ft/lbs.


All I have done to it is give it a good clean and tidy up in the mechanisim.


The reason I had it checked is my mate saw it in my gun cabinate I also have my 12g Shotgun in (on SGC). He said if the police check and checked the rifle and it was more than 12 ft/lbs guns off, fine and jail!


The gun shop said their equipment is not calibrated but is fairly acurate. He did also say that because I have recently cleaned it, any oil residue in the system will be adding to the compression, and this should wear of with a few shoots.


Any advice urgently please!

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In reality - plod have much more worthy things to do than go round trying to find air rifles to test. Though if it happens to be in your cabinet if you have your securities checked them expect a raised eyebrow and any questions that follow. I sincerely doubt any checks would be made unless plod, concerned about something else, came across it perhaps in relation to someone else's actions.


In law - you currently have an air rifle in your cabinet that is not exempt from licensing on section 1.

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Thanks Guys for all your replies.


On one hand I am quite please my handy work has paid off, but do not want it to get any higher!


It is all to easy to say plod has better things to be getting on with, but like speeding cars, a holder of a SGC is an easy target, i.e we are already on their list.


Concern over, and suspect a few pellets through will sort things out.


I think if it had been 13 + I might have thought differently.

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