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how to get rid of a squirrel


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although i live in a town -house , we have squirrels chewing the double-glazed window - rubbers , which is on the 1st floor . I dont want to have to use both barrels of my shot-gun ,AS IT IS ILLEGAL

Is there a better way , anyone got any thought about this

thanks GIZZ Dorset

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Get your air rifle zeroed to a 5p at 30yds, when he shows himself, pellit in the head, or as it probablly close in the chest, should drop him...but just a quick sideline, I have shot a squirell at point blank range, walking up on it at about 3 feet no joke. He ran after being hit, center mass with a 40gr winchester sub flying through him.



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i can think of many ways - catapult with ball bearings, silenced air rifle or .22 with subbies...


these probably arent legal so im not suggesting them!! :o


so how about these?


1 coat the window sill with oil - squirrels slip off and... splat! squirrel pizza!!


2 put electrified wire mesh on the mindow sills - no need for breakfast, youll have hot squirel fitters every morning, the higher the voltage the crispier the meat!!


:good::good: :look: :look: :look: :P???


sorry, no real suggestions, but just couldnt resist....

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I saw an article the other day that said if you coat your nuts with chilli the birds will still eat them but the squirrels wont. worth a try.?


OK OK, lets hear the wisecracks, first one gets 12 months free subscription to well known mens mag.


well i dunno about chilli but the birds seem to like my nuts when theyre covered in chocolate.... :good::good: :look: :look:

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Before anyone thinks I'm some sort of animal harming beast - the link that Henry d has removed under the guise of 'animal crulety' by editing my response was to a video on Utube entitled 'squirrel catapult' or something like that.


I think the video, which I assume originates from the US, is a little light hearted humour rather than cruelty (Its not as if they are putting bangers up a frogs bum or anything....) and 'henry d' if you watch the linked videos the squirrel keeps comming back - I recon it likes the ride. Feeling the rush baby....


p.s Obviously I would not condone harming creatures such as Squirrels unless you use a shotgun and then, well, then its fine...

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When I had the rabbitting/squirrelling on a National Trust estate I caught over 360 one year using live catch traps baited with corn.


You have to check them at least every 24 hours to see if you've got one. If you catch one, open the hatch end with a hessian bag over the end. The squirrel goes in, move the blighter into one corner of the sack and give it a sharp blow to the head with an axe handle. Multiple catch live traps can sometimes catch 3+ at once, particularly if they're kits as one goes in and the others follow.


I know the air gun dispatch is swifter, but as you're in an urban area you might not want a visit from an armed response team.


The traps seemed to catch most at the base of a tree with a branch over the top to give it a bit of shelter. If you get badgers on your garden I'd try and set it raised off the ground somehow as I've had to cut traps open with wire cutters to release wedged in young badgers in the past.


All the best



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I also saw the article in which a certain organisation suggested putting chilli powder on nuts to prevent squirrels and rats DON'T DO IT !!!! I recently spoke to someone who had done this only to find a jay flapping around in the garden with its eyes all swollen and bleeding due to it been covered in chilli powder and yes I know there those amongst us who would shoot jays on sight but thats different to potentially blinding birds only to die through starvation or predation by cats in a situation where they don't stand a chance.

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