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Posties on strike


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I temped as a posty in 1990.


It was a brilliant job, I drank loads of tea, ate loads of fry-ups in the local greasy spoon and did very little work. I was never short of refreshing milk to drink as there was always some in bottles on peoples doorsteps - oh YES I did ! :(


Our posty who delivers the mail to our work is always cheerful and I know why - they do **** all work ! :blink: :hmm::lol: (or at least I did !)

Edited by LV
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Im sat wondering what background you who call them lazy are from. Working class i very much doubt !!!!

Put yourselves in thier shoes, if it was your place of work they were shutting down and you were about to lose your job what would you do ?

Unions are sometimes a nusance to buisneses but overall they are there to try and protect the working class.

The post office administration imo are the most pig headed, ignorant bunch of people to run a national company.

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Im sat wondering what background you who call them lazy are from. Working class i very much doubt !!!!

Put yourselves in thier shoes, if it was your place of work they were shutting down and you were about to lose your job what would you do ?

Unions are sometimes a nusance to buisneses but overall they are there to try and protect the working class.

The post office administration imo are the most pig headed, ignorant bunch of people to run a national company.


Yep working class & been a postie the job is a piece of p**s if you think the unions are protecting their jobs your in cuckoo land if the staff / unions did't take the mick then the admin might be a bit different. they are quick to moan about when its not going their way but they dont moan about the early finishes & still being paid whilst sat at home with feet upor getting paid 4 hrs overtime & completing the walk in less than half that do they

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the early finishes & still being paid whilst sat at home with feet up or getting paid 4 hrs overtime & completing the walk in less than half that do they


That's pretty much how I remember it too ! :hmm:


It was one of the easiest and least demanding jobs I ever did, I enjoyed it in a lazy kinda way.

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If you happen to have any friends or know anyone that is still a postie have a chat with them, i think you will find the job as changed since you did it, and you'll find your out of touch.

Hope your jobs dont come under frett in the coming months, in the present climate, thats if you are working class?

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If you happen to have any friends or know anyone that is still a postie have a chat with them, i think you will find the job as changed since you did it, and you'll find your out of touch.

Hope your jobs dont come under frett in the coming months, in the present climate, thats if you are working class?


well under the present climate i would of thought that these posties would want to work and not go on strike after all there lucky to still have a job

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They have a job for how long, can i ask do you know the purpose of industrial action, you dont go on strike because you dont like the job and to lose money, its your only way of letting the hirachy your not happy with them trying to put you on the dole.

And before you say negociate they wont untill you put pressure on them usually by going on strike.

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I have a mate that got a job as a postie so he could have a easy life as in the afternoon he`s a semi pro athlete... which as anyone who know`s there stuff will know it`s not a long contract.... so as a postie he gets an EASY life good pay and finishes early enough to do another job!!!!


I also know another postie who left a well paid hard working job to be a postie.... so he could go fishing in the afternoons!!


If you have a job that takes up to much of your free time or is to demanding.... join the postal service get paid well and have lots of spare time to do things you enjoy!

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They have a job for how long, can i ask do you know the purpose of industrial action, you dont go on strike because you dont like the job and to lose money, its your only way of letting the hirachy your not happy with them trying to put you on the dole.

And before you say negociate they wont untill you put pressure on them usually by going on strike.


He's right and the unions have on the whole made the work place safer for all employees and stopped them being **** upon from a great height.







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If you have a job that takes up to much of your free time or is to demanding.... join the postal service get paid well and have lots of spare time to do things you enjoy!


Loads of spare time at the mo standing round a burning oil drum discussing how fast they should walk :(

:hmm: all that over time their missing this time of year. No doubt they will be back on strike in the new year over that

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thankyou LB someone with sence.


V your mates a postie starts work early in the morning finishes early afternoon then does another job and he,s LAZY hmmmm

Your other mate as a job that starts early finishes early afternoon and goes fishing so that makes him LAZY too HMMMMMM

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The village i used to live in was full of them,


most were top blokes etc. some are undoubtedly lazy ba****** - one of which shoots often (not on here / hasn't got the brains to work a PC) was caught dumping post! - not fired put on suspension! 6 weeks off full pay (spent the whole time shooting) - that is to go wth the 8 weeks off a year they get -= he used to tell us all sorts in the village pub. i.e. people he didn't like in the next village not getting their post - list is endless.



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The village i used to live in was full of them,


most were top blokes etc. some are undoubtedly lazy ba****** - one of which shoots often (not on here / hasn't got the brains to work a PC) was caught dumping post! - not fired put on suspension! 6 weeks off full pay (spent the whole time shooting) - that is to go wth the 8 weeks off a year they get -= he used to tell us all sorts in the village pub. i.e. people he didn't like in the next village not getting their post - list is endless.




Loads of stories on the same line. It's only the fact no other company can get a letter from Cornwall to Scotland for less then 50p & get there the next day or else they would have folded years ago

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