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Neighbours from hell

Ozzy Fudd

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do what i did went to argos baught a cctv camera only cost £25.00 link it to your vcr a 4 hour tape on long play will give you 8 hours of recording but dont point it ot on her property just cover inside your own property and combined with the sound you just might get her flaring up.

i did and had my neighbour actually prosecuted for it and had damages paid back to me it will be worth it you can collect evidence then show police keep logs of times dates incidents and then i would ask the police for an asbo on her.


neighbours from hell are the scurge of the human race


ps dont forget they can deny that the nubs belong to them but remember you cant escape the dna test. take pics of where they are collect a few bag and date tag them if the police want to prosecute they got dna evidence and they may even already have a criminal record



Edited by AIRARMSTX200
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What ever you do DON'T threaten em ! In my younger days it cost me everything I had The tables got turned and I ended up in the wrong. make sure you record everything time & date. As suggested cctv is available these days (but only facing your own property) Report it straight away to the local council & as said I would inform your FAO. the main reason is once you get the authorities involved they will become worse

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I put up with a neighbours dog breaking through the fence into my garden if it rained or it it thundered for years , they left him out all day while they worked, in the end after god knows how many new fence panels i just left it , that ment my dog was able to acess there garden


The long & short of it is the woman didnt like big dogs & wouldnt come out side if my dog had wandered onto there garden , so after a few words & an agreement that if there dog was so destructive to be left in doors they had to build an outdoor run which they did


Then the dog barked all day solid but the other neighbour dealt with that & the dog now stays indoors & we dont hear a peep


both the houses either side of me have had dogs that have been barkers for hours on end but theres only so much you can take before you snap

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I totally agree with Newsportshooter, I would definately make your FEO aware of the situation and air your concerns with him/her that they may well try using the fact that you possess guns against you, at least they will be aware if anything develops and they cant then critisise you for not being responsible and sensible by not previously alerting them of the difficulties you are plagued with.


After all, it only takes one neighbour to approach the Police to say that they feel potentialy threatened and unsafe because you have guns in your possession and then its bye bye guns as a precautionary measure due to the fact that its been reported and they are obliged to positively act on your neighbours concerns, and your more likely going to have to move house in order to get your guns back.

Edited by lampa
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OK, i have had this before.


Firstly, if you have tried talking to them, without any joy, the next step has to be a positive one.


Inform the landlord that you are having problems with them. Inform the police you are having problems with them, and that you have an issue that they might try and make you lose your SGC/FAC.

KEEP A LOG of all issues, make sure it is timed and dated, what happened, who said what, what was thrown over the fence..ect...ect.

Make sure you take pics of anything that is thrown over and check that the time and date is set on the camera. MAKE SURE YOU PRINT THEM OUT.

After (i know it sounds a long time) 6 months, you can go to your local council and ask them to look at the evidence. They then have a duty to investigate this, if it is a private landlord or not. Contact the relevant animal welfare dept and tell them that your dogs are in danger of poisoning due to this.

Its all about collecting the right evidence to take it forward.


Good luck :lol:

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cheers guys, im going to look into cctv in a couple of weeks, as soon as i have some evidence ill give the feo a shout :w00t:

Dont wait on getting a camera,ring the police and report that you are being harrished but you just want them to note it,not to go out to them.that record will be kept in the station and will be there if anything major happens.(you could ring more than once :yes: )

on no account confront them,this will make things worse.Keep to yourself and keep your head down and they will probably dig their one hole.I feel sorry for your situation but it should improve.Thankfully I have good neighbours. ;)


Edited by pat 1
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I am lucky to have pretty good neighbours right now, 5-6 years ago we had a "Ritlain" kid living next door thatb would bang the walls and scream at the top of his voice and the parents said that he was like hyperactive, but they never did anything to make him waste energy like take him to the park, just kept him indoors or in the garden kicking his ball and making a racket. I am lucky now to have fairly "alright" neighbours.

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