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another noobie


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Welcome to PW.


What's coterminous mean? :lol:




Oh, I Googled it. Two lines that meet at the same end point are coterminous.


So......the line that a clay takes and the line that my shot takes are coterminous - because it's guaranteed that they'll meet at the same end point. :yes:


Sorted. I'm ambidextrous now :lol:

Edited by Chard
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Welcome to the forum :yes:

Thanks for the Welcome. I am not exactly "NEW" (I am over 70) I am a member of BASC, Cambridgeshire Field Sports Association. National Smallbore Rifle Association. My gun Cabinet holds three guns at the moment. 1 12 bore. 1 410 Belgian Folder (ancient) 1 sb Cooey 'Winchester' 410.

I also have a s400 PCP .22 airgun for Rabbits.

I don't shoot Clays. I find my shooting is deteriorating I think mainly due to age. However I had an accident in my Land Rover last year which broke my left shoulder and restricts my swing and holding the 12 bore for very long. (I am trying to swap the 12 bore for a twenty bore see if that improves. things)

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