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Sighting a Highseat on Telegraph Pole


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I have a bank full of burries and bunnies on the edge of one of my marshes, farmer wants me to hit it hard as Bunnies are hitting bark on new hedge saplings he put in last year, but due to the wet I cant get round in the truck and also waiting on the new Quad to arrive, no trees or vantage points I can use apart from one option would be to mount my high seat on very nicely placed Telegraph Pole, farmer said its my land do what you want, I had a risk assessment with myself and deemed the idea a good one but would I be infringing any rules?

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I'm pretty sure if you have permission on the land (on which the pole is erected) and you don't damage the pole itself you should have no problems. I would suggest you engineer some sort of clamping system so that you can secure the seat (and lets face it security is the main bit) without causing damage to the pole. I am of course taking it that you mean a telecomunication pole rather than a high voltage electrical services pole in which case I would say stay away for numerous reasons (most of which involve pain or death to you should you try the suggested)


Aparently the landowner can apply for 'Rent' on such poles (but thats a different topic) they may wish to know this.

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I have a couple of high-seats strapped up to poles carrying 33kV lines, on which we get wayleave payments (the rent you refer to, Newportshooter?). The lines were rebuilt last year and run on open arable land. EDF Energy engineers have seen the high-seats up and have not commented.


You'd have to be enormously fat to actually uproot a pole when perched up on a high-seat.

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Given that you like making things, especially ones with at least twice as many bolts as are really required (only joking), Can't you make two extendable legs to prop your high seat? You can the site the seat where you would really like, and keep away from power lines.



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In short, when you attach a metal frame ( ie seat) on to the pole, althought the pole is made of wood and not a conductor of electricity the current in the electricity wire can " jump" across to the seat and KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Particularly in wet conditions!


They're timber high-seats, topping out at 12' above ground level, about 1/3rd (if that) of the height of the pole). I understand enough about electricity to know when it's risky to use these particular seats, and when it's not. That might appear blasé, but I take your point: it might, for my long-term health and liability for replacement poles, be better to re-position these seats.

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