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DSC level 2 complete woo hoo!!

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hi all.


Those of you who know me know that last year i got into deerstalking. I rattled off the level 1 last may and signed up for the level 2 so that i could continue stalking on my lease in scotland. So off to some private stalking up stoke way recently to try to get some witnessed culls for my cull book.


My day started bright and early, at the stalking ground for 0730hrs and after a quick zero check off we went. We would be stalking a series of cleared fells today and my heart skipped a beat when he told me there were a alot of red hinds in the area as up til now all my experience is on roe.


So off we went alas the first few fells were devoid of any deer but there were lots of droppings and trails of flattened vegetation so it must be just a matter of time. Stalking up to the next fell the wind was swirling a little so i entered some trees to try to keep my scent out of the wind. My caution was rewarded as i got to the woodland fringe and spied a small herd of red hinds some 150yds away. i managed to close another 30yds keeping various trees between me and the deer and i am now on the edge of the trees with the deer at 120yds. I checked the herd with the bins to find a suitable deer that was in a safe area with no deer behind it, i have to be careful too as there are one or two staggies mixed in too. I selected a hind some 120yds away and after a final check on the wind got into a comfortable position with a tree giving me a comfy shooting rest. Nothing fancy here with an assesor looking on and as the hind presented a broadside on shot my shot was true and struck cleanly into the heart and lungs. She took maybe 6 steps before collapsing and i let out a very relieved breath. I confirmed her dead with no eye reaction bled her and proceeded with the gralloch after which my assesor went to get the ATV to complete the drag. Upon inspection all was well and i completed the gralloch to the assesors satisfaction. 1 deer down and still most of the day left.


We stalked a few more fells before retiring for lunch and allowing the area to settle for a while. Once refreshed we set off for a new area.


Again the first few areas were without deer but it wasn't long before we found another herd of hinds. These were alot more settled and i was able to use the ground to get to within 100yds of the herd. However the lead hind sussed something out of place and i was soon under pressure. I quickly selected a hind that had closed the range down to 80yds again nothing fancy and a broadside heart and lung shot hit true, at the shot the herd looked up but didn't move...... cue some quick bolt work and i swung onto another hind on the edge of the herd some 100-110yds out. Again another heart and lung shot and now the herd make good their escape. My two hinds had dropped within a few paces of where i had shot them and i composed myself as i approached in case a follow up shot was needed. My nerves were unjustified (my inexperience) they were both quite dead. So 2 more grallochs to complete after bleeding and all of the checks complete they were in perfect health. Thank goodness for the ATV and truck/winch which made easy work of the drag and loading. A day that will live with me forever..... just the writing up to complete in the cull book and job done! my apologies for just the single photo taken just after bleeding one of the hinds but the emphasis was to pass the course rather than get busy with the camera. Thanks for reading, all the best





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shouldnt it be 3 sucsessfull stalks and not 3 deer culled i i know a few assesors that wont let you away with culling 2 deer on one stalk....but then again i know a few eijit assesors....lol..well done mate congrats... :good:


Hi Billyo, my apologies i didn't explain myself very well. I already had a fallow doe on my cull book before these 3 red hinds so as you say 3 succesful stalks completed.



Lovely job, you've gotta be pleased with getting it all done in a day.


Have you written it up yet.


Congratulations, were you using gamekings?




Hi Moses, am in the process of getting it written up and you are quite right i was very pleased to get it finished off on that visit.


Oh yes those gamekings were the order of the day, great ammo that pal!!

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shouldnt it be 3 sucsessfull stalks and not 3 deer culled i i know a few assesors that wont let you away with culling 2 deer on one stalk....but then again i know a few eijit assesors....lol..well done mate congrats... :no:


I know a few who would not accept that as 3 stalk's /3 deer either and would fail you on a tecknicality...........

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sorry for my ignorance but, what's a DSC? im geussing its something to do with deer stalking, i read earlier something about DSC and dogs, dog supervisory certificate or something, thanks


Happy Shooting



Deer Stalker Certificate... It's the best way to get your FAC, Firearms Certificate. As this world has gone mad on certification, soon you will need an NVQ in how to store your guns safely???

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