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Dirty Decoys


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I am new to pigeon shooting and purchased 12 shell decoys about three weeks ago. I have been on one trip and thought that they worked well. However, when I bought them the guy who sold them to me said I should get some earth and rub it over them to "dirty them up". I was in a bit of a rush and did not have time to ask him why. Can anyone enlighten me?

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Some people say to make them dirty to stop them from shining, but I was reading the new sporting gun mag. and they say to make them lighter.


I have painted my decoys a lighter grey to make them stand out abit more and they seem to work.


But I would not bother doing what he said because I dont think it will help.

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I have flocked shell decoys, but also a lot of the standard "shiny" plastic ones (which I don't use ).

Before Christmas I bought some of the UKShootwarehouse UV "jackets" for them and I am very, very impressed.

The layout stands out much more than with flocked decoys and the pigeons seem to be very aware of them from a greater distance. :sly:


I would recommend you try these before dirtying, or repainting your decoys.

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dirty deeks :D i have heard it all now :sly: if you look at pigeons well woodies anyway

they are very clean animals, 99% of the ones i have shot are immaculate, pigeons also have "bloom"

which is like a shiney dust to keep them waterproof, just smooth a woodies feathers and move it about in the light

and see

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