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Seed found in woodpigeon crop...


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After shooting several woodies at roost the other night, I discovered the poor devils had been able to eat virtually nothing that day thanks to the snow. All I discovered in the crops of seven birds were a few wisps of rape, plenty of ivy berries and a few of these seed pods.


My guess would be a variety of ash - anyone care to enlighten me further? :hmm:





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When you actually split one open and see the seed size against the total size it is pitiful and not too nutritious IMHO, a pigeon that is on starvation rations may beg to differ :hmm:



Exactly Henry. I must admit to feeling pretty sorry for them at the moment. Does that make me a bad person? :good:

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I dressed a dozen last night and about 8 were full of those seeds. First time I have ever seen them in a crop. There was also a fair mix of weed seeds including one which looked like it was full of dock seeds. Does make me think that they are struggling to find good feed this time round, alot of the rape this time is very poor. The birds themselves though were in decent nick.

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