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whats the law on these then guys????


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as i have said in a previous topic im making a film, and im basing it on the military, well for the main charcters (2 british soldiers) i wanted a gun each that had a link to the british army and if im not mistaken the SA80 makes that link, correct?

well i wet on to surplus and adventure and i found an airsoft replica of it, well the one i have found is metal, but DOES NOT fire realbullets it fires BB's but im not planning to fire bb's or anything its a prop for a film.

it looks very realistic and doesnt have an orange tip, im panning on getting some orange tube if, i get these guns to put on the barrel when not in use, now to explain, im going to have the actor cock the gun (totally empty) and pull the trigger totally empty in turn not firing anything, ill add the bang and the muzzle flash in editing.

im shooting the film on private property so the public have no access and ill be warning the police in advance that i am shooting a film using fake guns, and stating what model (ie; SA80) but before i even go and get these i just wanted to know what is the law on these? as long as i get my mum to buy them am i within the law??? and im not planning on throwing them out or anything after use (at £69.95 you gotta be joking me :() ill keep them in the gun cabinet wth the air rifle... so can you give me the law on these... (to restate THESE DONT FIRE BULLETS AND IM NOT PLANNING ON FIRING ANYTHING OUT OF THEM, NOR AM I PLANNING TO TRY AND FIRE ANYTHING OUT OF THEM THEY ARE GOING TO BE PURELY AS A FILM PROP...




Happy Shooting




(sorry mungler lol)

Edited by mark_mjs93
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I can't see why these would be treated any differently from any other airsoft gun? As long as you stay within the laws concerning those surely you should be alright? Do they even need an orange tip? I just thought that was the states? I mean air rifles look like guns and they don't need orange tips.... :)

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well i was either gonna put them in the safe or in the cupboard, to be honest id prefer them to be in the safe for now until i sort out my SGC and get my Shotgun and then ill transfer them to the cupboard or the loft (at £69.95 a piece do you really blame me??? £140 almost cant be doing with them getting nicked) :)


(the safe is for when i sort out my SGC lol but until then im keeping my air rifle in there)

Edited by mark_mjs93
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i just love the way its really serious, talking about SA80's, then all of a sudden it goes to his mum. :)


if you can borrow a mate who is a shooter, get him to be the armoury guy for the shoot. give him the responsibility for the weapons.

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martin thanks lol i had to add a bit of humour in there :) but no im serious on that lol i need someone to buy it lol... i have a mate who shoots and he is going to be my armoury guy for the shoot lol (even if he doesnt know yet :hmm:)... i now have a funny image in my head, the actors are going to be in full army camo and real army helmets (buying them from the market place can pick them up cheap from the surplus stall (the guy that runs it is friendswith my uncle) ) i can see the actors walking away from were we are filming and handing a gun to a guy who is in jeans and a t-shirt and i can just see a member of the public seeing that and calling the police to tell them that there are soldiers giving guns to civilians and the police on the phone saying "oh dont worry we already know about that" :D

Edited by mark_mjs93
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I think you are making a way big deal out of a pair of toy guns. (realistically, thats what they are).

Get on and do your movie with them somewhere out of public veiw, but theres really no need to contact the police about it. If you do, things will just get complicated... They will probably ask for a reenactment permit etc, my advice... Dont go there.


Let us know when the film is done, could be interesting.. I often though of making a short film with some of the guns and gear I use for my hobbies.. Would beat 90% of the youtube ones! :)

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thanks hunter i am going to shoot this film if it kills me preparing lol... got everything set just need to get the last few bits for the wardrobe (helmets, the enemy's costumes, and obv guns lol... then its just a case of preparing all the stuff to mix up some fake blood.. and stuff like that...).. i have about a paragraph lef on the script to do and then i have to give the script to the actors and rehearse it for about a month so we will be filming towards the end of march early april.. then say about 2 weeks in editing... then just a few bits and bobs left to finish and i can post it to a hosting website... it will be to long for youtube and i didnt really want to split it down..

Edited by mark_mjs93
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fair play harford, lol but part of the film is to aim the gun at somebody (strictly control environment, gun wont be cocked or anyhing taking all precautions to make sure no one is hurt, after all even an air soft gun can injure someone...) looking forward to getting all the bits together and filming... ill post for you guys to see when im done...

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steve know they are out of stock, and im going to phone up theshop and put n order in for 2 when i get paid next week, i dont want to scare rabbits i am only using the guns as a prop in my films, and as for that gun, with a price tag of £450 you have to be joking and errrm, "This is a live firearm and can only be sold to a firearms certificate holder"


thanks though, i was loking fro the SA80 in particular though as it is an asault rifle used by the british army... thanks anyway...

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Obviously the 1st rule of shooting being that you should never point a gun at something you do not intend to kill.


However, seeing as it's an airsoft gun and it's easy enough to check that it's empty and you wouldn't feel the BB's if you wore thick clothes (Me and my mates used to shoot each other with airsoft all the time) I really think you're fine to cock the gun.


It's as sensible as a gunshop allowing me to dry fire a rifle (which i did earlier) inside the shop: Check the chamber and double check it again. Insert your finger inside to check there is no bullet lodged inside and check the magazine is empty. Push bolt backwards and forwards (to pick any rounds up (If by some amazing feat you've managed to not spot a round!) and then close, point in a safe direction and 'click'


Obviously as this is a real gun that can kill people at frightening distances, it is never, ever pointed at anyone. However Like I said above, an empty (checked) airsoft gun with the bolt closed will not be of any risk.


If you had a paintball gun, would you not point it at a human??!


They do airsoft wars, so evidently they're harmless. I just think you're worrying over nothing...! The last thing you want is someone criticising you for inaccuracy in your film making for having a gun that wasn't loaded when it fired :):hmm:


If anyone on here thinks any differently to me, please say so.

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well harford, im not actually shooting bb's or anything, im simply having a cocked empty gun and then ill add muzzle flashes and sound effects afterwards, the blood shooting effect (when someone gets shot) is done with a couple of rigs i made up, basically a bottle filled with fake blood, then 2 tubes coming out, one is placed under the actors clothes, and then it trails out of their clothes (off camera) and leads out of the way and a person off set blows through the other pipe, or you can link up an air compressor to the bottle with a release valve on the inlet and let a bit of pressure build up ad when you want the blood to explod out of the actor (looking like a bullet wound) you turn the elease valve, but be careful, because if you let to much pressure build up the bottle explodes (happened when i tested this rig) and me and my mate who built it were COVERED, in fake blood lol, looked like someone had blown up in my garden lol... great fun though :) now we use a metal drinks bottle, with the tubes coming out of it, and then we use a bike pump to build up the pressure before we release the valve......


but i get the pictue, we arent going to put bb's in the guns at all... we dont need to...

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harford lol, im sue my actor would be happy for me to tape a firecracker to the middle of his back and then put a blood pack on it and light it lol, its a bit risky, for the back we use the same sort of rig as we do for the front of the body, but we use a larger diameter pipe with a bigger hole drilled at the top on the side of the pipe below the stopper, ans then we put a bit more pressure behind it,and then we film it all happening at once, an then in editing if you can see tubes they will be masked over, and muzle flashes will be added and such...

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