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First fox..........

henry d

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I decided to have an evening out for my birthday and what`s better than a night out with the rifles :D


As I passed the farmers house I heard a lamb and ewe in the back of his motor and thought ..."That`s early !" Anyway within 50yds I saw the first pair of eyes, a bunny at about 60yds........First in the bag :D


I then went through the steading and onto a big grass park and spotted eyes again and 2nd bunny was in the bag, but there was a lot of work and lights over near the other side of the park so I just gave it a quick flick with the light and there wasn`t anything there at all.


I then went back through the steading and along the side of the lambing park, there on the bank at the far side was a glimmer. I switched off and moved further around so I was in a better position and when the lamp went on again the eyes were in a small copse and were green not amber as before :yes:


I started to call with a mouse squeaker and the eyes stayed put, so I tried the old poly block on the wing mirror and watched through the NV as a big black feral cat the farmer was wanting rid of started out from the copse. About 15 m out it turned tail and headed back sharpish and ran up a tree :look:

I then saw a fox run in towards the copse......game on !! I started to call again and waited for 30 seconds before flicking on the lamp. There it was and it wasn`t too keen on the lamp even with the amber filter. I switched off and got the rifle up and kept calling. I then stopped for a few secs and switched on with the lamp high over it`s last position. It was 30yds to the left and stopped so it was now or never.


The .222 on a still night seems to sound like a cannon, however I must have pulled the shot as I heard the fox howl back at me :good: I saw it run about 80 yds towards the area the sheep were at so I couldn`t try another shot !! In a panic I jumped in the motor and reversed back to the steading and the farmer was there checking the cattle and told me it was OK to enter the lambing park and to try the far gate to head it off.


I need not have worried, she was exactly where I last saw her. the shot had gone low and left but had done it`s business. I still felt bad about the shot, but at least her suffering was short. It is the first fox I have shot with the rifle in a good few years so I will be spending a few hours back on the range sorting myself out :/


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Nice one HD :good:


It's always a nasty feeling.. I shot one last night out around 120 yards with the 223, she was left side on to me - She then ran on a good 30 yards before dropping over... When we went to inspect she was still "with us" and was quickly dispatched with a .22lr to the brain.


I took some time to examine her and the shot placement could not have been better! straight into the engine room


It can be just one of those things... or they've moved off feeding on chickens round here and onto concrete :yes:

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Are you planning to go out after them again anytime soon??


OH YEAH ! If you shoot one fox two come to it`s funeral :blink: And as she was a pregnant vixen I`m sure dad will be about somewhere. However as I said I will be taking a bit of time on the range practicing my off hand shots first :D:):wub:

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