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BNP Takes “Safest Labour Ward� in Kent


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The British National Party has seized a seat on the Sevenoaks Council in Swanley, Kent, in its first ever outing in that ward.

Successful BNP candidate Paul Golding took a magnificent 408 votes to the Labour candidate’s 332 and the Tory vote of 247.

The seat was regarded as one of the safest Labour wards in all of Kent.

â€This is an outstanding result,†said Councillor Golding, speaking exclusively to BNP News after the result was announced. “It has implications far beyond just Sevenoaks and bodes well for the entire South East and the upcoming Euro elections,†he said.

Councillor Golding pointed out that this victory was the first BNP breakthrough south of the River Thames.

The election campaign was run by Councillor Emma Colgate and BNP national elections officer Eddy Butler. Councillor Golding paid tribute to this team, saying that this was probably one of the most professional elections that the party had ever fought.

“It is a historic day for the whole BNP,†Councillor Golding continued. “Based on the canvassing returns, we knew that it would be close, but during polling the avalanche of support just became so overwhelming that very soon the Labourites knew that the writing was on the wall for their candidate.â€

The ashen-faced Labour team stormed out of the counting hall as soon as they could. Only the Tories, who had been friendly throughout the day, stayed behind to congratulate Councillor Golding on his election victory.

Councillors Golding, Colgate, and Mr Butler expressed their thanks to the volunteers who pitched in to help this vital campaign.


It looks like the British people are starting to finally see through the liblabcon.

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Let`s hope he hasn`t gat a past like some BNP candidates eh ? Charlotte Lewis


Mind you with 20,986 population that`s a huge1.9% :good:


unless they do it it different your way HD the "population" of the town wont vote for a candidate for a ward? in other words

only the ward votes for the candidate so 20,000 divided by 54 then again divided by number of candidates so the 400 odd

could have been a good result, not a pitifully misrepresentation of 1.9% as you would "suggest" but like always never let facts get in the way of a good come down eh.



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Would that be the same Paul Golding who was once thrown out of the party for physically attacking another member after finding out he was half Turkish?


No rascism there then!!


Unfortunately whilst the present government bury their heads in the sand to all the problems facing this country the likes of the BNP will always have a platform. The only good thing to come from this is it might just give the main parties the kick up the backside they so desperately need!

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Let's not get it out of proportion - this is one seat in a Sevenoaks Council election - it shouldn't worry any of the major parties.


Only the BNP would regard it as "outstanding" - but I suppose that any time that they don't lose their deposit is regarded as a result

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