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Anyone seen the special resolution in PULL this month?

Peter De La Mare

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Basically, there's a special resolution to change things around slightly to change the voting rights of whomever is the CEO of the CPSA.


That's fine, nothing wrong with that.


But, what is wrong, is that a CPSA director has been given a whole page to basically shoot down this important resolution with half truths and misleading information and begging for proxy votes. The edition of PULL is the only one now until after the AGM when members get to vote on the resolution, so the member raising the resolution hasn't got a chance to answer all the charges put against him.


It's actually fairly important that the resolution goes through I think, mainly because it seems obvious that the CPSA has no qualms about acting badly in order to protect itself, or certain directors/CEOs. I'm filling out a proxy voting form and sending it to someone who'll vote the correct way.


Of course, you can vote which ever way you want, if anyone can overcome the emmense apathy that must come along with this! :hmm:


From here.... http://www.cpsa.co.uk/association




I,..................................................................... of............................................... being a current


Individual member of the Association,


membership number.............,appoint............................................ membership no............ or failing


him............................................................ membership no ............ as my proxy to vote in my name


and on my behalf at the Annual / Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association, to be held on


......................................... 19........, and at any adjournment thereof.


This form is to be used in respect of the resolutions mentioned below as follows:-


Resolution No. 1 * for/ * against


Resolution No. 2 * for/ * against




[* strike out whichever is not desired].


Unless otherwise instructed above the proxy may vote as he thinks fit or abstain from voting.



Signed ................................................................... Dated......................................... 19.......

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I am afraid that CPSA members get the Board of Directors they deserve.


Catamong has always made a valid point that for the amount of moaning that goes on about the CPSA no one actually does anything and thus the shambolic management that is currently in place remains (apparently indefinitely now).



I have not renewed my CPSA membership this year because I do not consider that it is representative of either the majority of clay shooters or me.


For the pro-CPSA boys on here that chase registered competitions each weekend, you have to realise that the CPSA is failing clay shooters as a whole.


Of the 100+ clay shooters I see each and every week at the likes Copfurn, Hawley, JJs, Braintree, Shrove Hill, White Bear etc none of those shooters or grounds have derived any benefit from the CPSA. Indeed, most are members of BASC.


I have finally worked out that unless you chase registered CPSA shooting events around the Country then the CPSA has F-all to do with clay shooting.

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I objected to the CPSA this morning about how Kevin Walsh's diatribe was presented in Pull. It was given undue prominence, and the proposers and seconders of the resolution haven't been given a public opportunity prior to the AGM to respond to his allegations. I'd like to know who decided to use the members magazine in this unfair way.


As to the special resolution, I don't think it would necessarily achieve anything.


It's perfectly acceptable and normal for a CEO to be on the board of a company, and there are also organisations where the CEO is not on the board. There are pros and cons to either arrangement, depending on the characteristics of a particular organisation.


On any board, however constituted, the board members should all be capable, and in a membership organisation, they should all be able to accurately represent all members views. If a CEO is on the board, the chairperson must be particulalry capable.


If the problem they're trying to solve with this special resolution is that the CEO's performance is considered unsatisfactory, then the board should be asked to deal with that directly, rather than through alterations of voting rights. If a board member won't move a vote of no confidence in the CEO, and there isn't enough support from the rest of the board for it to be carried, it little matters whether the CEO is or isn't part of the voting.

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Reading the articles, I think they'd have made a better fist of a special resolution if they'd altered them to define the role of a chairperson on the board who isn't the Executive Director.




9. [a] The Board shall meet at intervals not greater than two [2] months and shall be convened by the Executive Director. Extraordinary meetings of the Board may be convened by the Executive Director or five [5] members of the Board upon twenty one [21] days notice setting out the business to be conducted at the Extraordinary Board Meeting.


The Board or the Executive Director may invite anyone to attend and speak at meetings.


[c] The discussions at the meetings between members of the Board shall at all times remain private and confidential.


[d] The quorum of the Board shall be five [5].

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Unfortunately the organisation is not representative of Clay Pigeon Shooting as a whole, only the minority who shoot regular comps. Then there's the constant politics - how often do we read of in-fighting, internal politics or just general negative attitudes displayed towards the sport or it's participants?


If they generated as much time, effort and energy into a positive attitude towards the sport and, more importantly, those who take part at all levels, we would all be a lot better off.


This months magazine is yet another example of how NOT to run an organisation :good:

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I'm only on Clubman membership and I only do that for the insurance now. The stiffs have banned my nominated club (Worsley) and deregistered them, so I haven't even got that now - ******** :good:


If I could get insurance for less than £30 a year, I'd sack them as well, but there's no point in me paying £50 or so a year to join BASC just for the insurance :P

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I wouldn't expect much interest from 99.9% of the members on this one, remember last year during the "Pigeon" V "Target" debate, we heard of coaches being organised by members to get to the AGM who felt so strongly about this supposedly controversial and monumental decision.


Of course, all of that nonsense fizzled out, and in the end, there were only a total of 350 votes cast, (yes 350) out of a total membership of about 22,000, that's how much interest there was in the matter.


Well, this affair will generate even less interest from ordinary members, it's all come about as a result of a particularly vocal group of members who have a personal grudge against the current CEO, and want to clip his wings to keep him out of the decision making process.


I can see both sides of the argument, but one thing's for certain, 99.9% of the membership will gain nothing from this fiasco.


I'm afraid the CPSA have always been badly managed and have been run by trap and skeet shooters who have no idea what's important to the majority of their members, (who overwhelmingly shoot Sporting).


But, if you want to get anywhere in the sport, you've got to be a member, it's as simple as that.


I've long since given up hoping for change at the CPSA, as PDLM will know, I get regularly slaughtered and abused on another forum by this little mob, who won't listen to anybody else's views on the subject, and get very upset when I tell them that I've seen it all before and hell will freeze over before we see real change at the CPSA.



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Hello everyone

This is my first post, so hopefully you will be tolerant of a new starter.

I have been a member of the CPSA now for about 4 years, and getting keener by the minute.

Love the crack on a sunday going out with my mates and shooting a bit of this and that, I will say im not very good at any but I enjoy getting away from the mrs and enjoying being one of the lads again, but dont tell her indoors that.

I am starting to take more notice of whats going on in the shooting world, and I was at my local this afternoon getting in a bit of practice for the weekend shoot, when I walked in the clubhouse to pay up there was an almighty row going on about a resoloution that was coming up at the Cpsa agm.

Me and my buddies never got involved but being a nosey type I was having a listen and some guy called Welsh was getting a right slagging from everyone, what and who is this guy Welsh and what has he done to disturb the calm in my local.

I was surfing the net and this site came up so I thought that someone on here might be able to put me right on what seems a very heated matter.


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I'm only on Clubman membership and I only do that for the insurance now. The stiffs have banned my nominated club (Worsley) and deregistered them, so I haven't even got that now - ******** :good:


If I could get insurance for less than £30 a year, I'd sack them as well, but there's no point in me paying £50 or so a year to join BASC just for the insurance :P



Try BASA (British Airgun Shooters Association) last time I looked Insurance was £17.50 and covered all countryside activities (Fishing, Shooting etc.). Personally I'm a BASC member and a BASA Member. I was also CPSA, didn't rejoin nearly two years ago as there was no point for many of the reasons Catamong, Mungler, Bagsy et al have stated.


In fact tomorrow will be my first clays since August as I'm out shooting Game, Wildfowl, Pigeons every weekend from then right through the season as it just became uneconomical to shoot clays and have nothing to show for it at the end of the day other than an empty wallet.



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Try BASA (British Airgun Shooters Association) last time I looked Insurance was £17.50 and covered all countryside activities (Fishing, Shooting etc.). Personally I'm a BASC member and a BASA Member. I was also CPSA, didn't rejoin nearly two years ago as there was no point for many of the reasons Catamong, Mungler, Bagsy et al have stated.


In fact tomorrow will be my first clays since August as I'm out shooting Game, Wildfowl, Pigeons every weekend from then right through the season as it just became uneconomical to shoot clays and have nothing to show for it at the end of the day other than an empty wallet.




Many thanks for that SS, I'll check that one out. I would never have thought of trying an airgun association for shotgun shooting insurance - just goes to show. :good:


Thanks also to BlaserF3 who suggested I check my household insurance, as many of these cover it too, apparently, another place I wouldn't have thought of checking. I doubt that mine will, because we did a real cheapskate job on it, but you never know :P

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That's true Cat, but....there's always hope. This is the best chance for a while apparently. Grasp the bull by it's horn etc.


I presume you're already attending the AGM or have lodge your proxy vote with a trustworthy adult? :P


I've seen it all before Pete, it's been going on all the time that I've been a member, (and that's about 30 years :good: ).


No wonder I'm cynical. :P


And no, I'm not going to the AGM, I don't want to change the habits of a lifetime, and yes, I have registered my proxy vote.



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You don't get this perpetual infighting in BASC - well there might be, it's just not in the shooting press and all over the internet.


Same old same old in the CPSA.


I take Bagsy's point about "energy". Seems like lots of energy and resources go into this never ending nonsense.

Edited by Mungler
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I always thought Winchester should have had his solicitors instruct him, if only for a conference / opinion and a steer in the right direction at an early stage.


Interestingly, criminal QCs whilst outrageously expensive are not as suicidally outrageously expensive as say commercial QCs. For example you could pick a criminal QC up for say £3 - 5k a day but a commercial silk would be £15 - £20k plus a day.


You could therefore get a conference for half a day for £1500 plus VAT if the solicitors were holding cleared funds and promised to pay the fee note by return. A lot of money, but only the average cost of but one of the guns that are sought to be retained / protected.


I digress....

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Interestingly, criminal QCs whilst outrageously expensive are not as suicidally outrageously expensive as say commercial QCs. For example you could pick a criminal QC up for say £3 - 5k a day but a commercial silk would be £15 - £20k plus a day.


If only I didn't spend all my time in detention at school :angry:

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I am a lady clay shooter who has been trying to join the forum so that I could find out how to do a proxy vote.
I had a few problems with registering but hurray I am here now.
I want to say a few words about the resolution.
I am not happy about the letter from Kevin Walsh. I think it is a huge case of misconduct. How can he have the access to the whole page of our magazine.
I know from friends who are involved in commity stuff that to get a letter in the pull mag it has to be with the editor a month before the release date. The resolution wasnt revealed to the board until a few weeks ago. The letter from Mr Vere Hodge shouldnt have left the editors desk to be answered until the next issue after the AGM.
The Pull magazine is just as corrupt as the CPSA CEO.
Apart from this there are many other reasons why I support it. I will come back to them later.
I work for a reasonable sized company. We deal with livery and breeding. We have never heard of a CEO who automaticly has the right to vote on a board unless he or she is voted in by the members.
The CPSA needs a sound whipping. The board needs a revamp. The CEO needs to be sacked.
Soz I am in a rush as I have to run and do some sample collecting.

I'll be back.


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