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which one 1st .17hmr or .22lr


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On a serious note, I've had a 22 for years, quiet, cheap to run, but I've just bought a 17, I love it, wish I'd got one years ago, carcass damage hasn't been a problem so far, if you aim at the head it seems to go there like a guided missile, get both then the only qundary you'll have is which to reach for in the cabinet every time you go out

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I disagree. I've bagged nearly 1,800 rabbits so far this year, almost all with the .22LR, shotgun or .22CF. For me, it's the .17 HMR that is gathering dust.

1,800 rabbit's, that's some load of shooting, and this is only the middle of march.You wouldn't be able to afford to use a .17hmr with that amount of shooting.Personally myself i'd rather the .17.

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Marlin VS, all my ammunition is expensed through the farming business, so that's your cost query covered. I am an arable farmer. I am also paid to control vermin on two local farms, plus shoot on other land as a volunteer. I am consequently out shooting almost every evening and night, and almost every morning. Gear like Archer NV sights allow me to use my shooting time more efficiently. I have quads and Gators available to access land that can't be accessed by 4x4.


Two things to bear in mind: 1) I love shooting; 2) rabbit damage to my crops affects my own back pocket. Point 2 means that I have a very compelling reason to be quite so thorough with the pest control. So in the 73 days we have enjoyed from 1/1/09, that's an average of 24.6 rabbits per day. Pretty easy. Multiply that by 10 on a summer's evening.

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:good: Well said Webber :


If this is your first rifle, I would adise the .22LR, cut your teeth and then decide if youneed the extra distance, and additional cost that the .17HMR will give you. Both weapons have their place, and I love shooting my .17HMR, but if I could only have one, it would be the .22LR.


learn safety and develop your shooting skills on the cheaper .22lr, if you have permission then and its not heavily shot then you will also be able to hone your stalking skills. Once you are happy and confident with the .22lr and the bunnies are not allowing you to get close enough then move up to a hmr.


This statement is purely cock!! Obviously from someone who has never used either a .22lr or a hmr!!


17 is alright but all that noise for a extra 40 yards :oops:


The .22lr in the right hands is good for 100Yards. I have only had my Hmr for about 9 months and can tell you im learning all the time, I have now happily taken out rabbits at a laser measured 225 yards, witnessed and hares to 186 yards witht he hmr.you either hit or miss them but laying prone with my hmr its difficult to miss, the trajectory is flat as !!!





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Marlin VS, all my ammunition is expensed through the farming business, so that's your cost query covered. I am an arable farmer. I am also paid to control vermin on two local farms, plus shoot on other land as a volunteer. I am consequently out shooting almost every evening and night, and almost every morning. Gear like Archer NV sights allow me to use my shooting time more efficiently. I have quads and Gators available to access land that can't be accessed by 4x4.


Two things to bear in mind: 1) I love shooting; 2) rabbit damage to my crops affects my own back pocket. Point 2 means that I have a very compelling reason to be quite so thorough with the pest control. So in the 73 days we have enjoyed from 1/1/09, that's an average of 24.6 rabbits per day. Pretty easy. Multiply that by 10 on a summer's evening.



I side with Baldrick. I know many farmers who shoot between 20-30 rabbits a day. Maybe more in the summer!

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Marlin VS, all my ammunition is expensed through the farming business, so that's your cost query covered. I am an arable farmer. I am also paid to control vermin on two local farms, plus shoot on other land as a volunteer. I am consequently out shooting almost every evening and night, and almost every morning. Gear like Archer NV sights allow me to use my shooting time more efficiently. I have quads and Gators available to access land that can't be accessed by 4x4.


Two things to bear in mind: 1) I love shooting; 2) rabbit damage to my crops affects my own back pocket. Point 2 means that I have a very compelling reason to be quite so thorough with the pest control. So in the 73 days we have enjoyed from 1/1/09, that's an average of 24.6 rabbits per day. Pretty easy. Multiply that by 10 on a summer's evening.

:good: how can you shoot .6 of a bunnt ? :oops: do you mean the reast of it lived

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Guest topshot_2k
if all you want is rabbits 22lr wins hands down :good:

17 is alright but all that noise for a extra 40 yards :blink:


bit more than just an extra 40yds. .17 with a decent moderator is nothing to worry about, i have shot rabbits, reloaded and then shot the ones that were 10-15yds from the dead one.


Less richochets with .17hmr too :hmm:

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Marlin VS, all my ammunition is expensed through the farming business, so that's your cost query covered. I am an arable farmer. I am also paid to control vermin on two local farms, plus shoot on other land as a volunteer. I am consequently out shooting almost every evening and night, and almost every morning. Gear like Archer NV sights allow me to use my shooting time more efficiently. I have quads and Gators available to access land that can't be accessed by 4x4.


Two things to bear in mind: 1) I love shooting; 2) rabbit damage to my crops affects my own back pocket. Point 2 means that I have a very compelling reason to be quite so thorough with the pest control. So in the 73 days we have enjoyed from 1/1/09, that's an average of 24.6 rabbits per day. Pretty easy. Multiply that by 10 on a summer's evening.

Don't get into it with this man... He knows his shooting,


Why would anyone add a post that just basically says " you lier ":hmm:?? check out his old posts he walks the walk

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My pennies worth.


I have a 22 and 17 both have there place. When i first got my 17 the 22 sat around gathering dust. There are now a couple of horses on part on my ground with quite a few rabbits to control, due to the noise i started using the 22 again. I had forgotten how good a round it is and how quiet it is.


Now everytime i go out i don't know what one to bring. I love the extra range and flat shooting of the 17 but i do so love the quietness of the 22. Even with a very expensive mod the 17 is still noisy compered "?" to a 22.


First buy a .22 :hmm: no a 17 :good: no 22 17 22 17 22 17 :blink: :lol::lol:


I hope this helps :lol:

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haha maybe true, but if your passionate about shooting, you just make time, work to live dont live to work! if he shoots his own, and other farms there would easily be enough rabbits there if he put the hours in. Straying from the topic here oops.

I am waiting on a FAC where i have applied for both so am also wondering which to get first, so this is a good thread. Been saving up, so both it is i hope!

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Do you actually know anything about farm business management, cereal yields, and high-volume pest control? No. Well get back in your box. Do you simply refuse to accept anything I say, because I voiced a pretty rational opinion about your antics with your .17 HMR? I retracted the 'liar' comment, but I think you need to address the troublesome chip on your shoulder.


Shall we steer this thread back on track?

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ur takeing my oppionions a little personal there m8 at least i wasnt rude in mine like you were too me i find it more beliveable too shoot a bunny at 306 yards than shooting 1800 in 3 months and as far as retracting what you called me not good enough a apologie is more too suit lets face it you would not have called me a liar too my face would you

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haha maybe true, but if your passionate about shooting, you just make time, work to live dont live to work! if he shoots his own, and other farms there would easily be enough rabbits there if he put the hours in. Straying from the topic here oops.

I am waiting on a FAC where i have applied for both so am also wondering which to get first, so this is a good thread. Been saving up, so both it is i hope!

.17 every time only trouble is wind good luck in what you buy :hmm:

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not too sure what you mean by that :hmm:



ur takeing my oppionions a little personal there m8 at least i wasnt rude in mine like you were too me i find it more beliveable too shoot a bunny at 306 yards than shooting 1800 in 3 months and as far as retracting what you called me not good enough a apologie is more too suit lets face it you would not have called me a liar too my face would you


Didn't you call him a lier by doubting his 3 month rabbit tally?


Is saying he wouldn't say it to your face some kind of macho threat ' as if to say he would fear the consequences if he did?


Come on people no room for that on hear


I don't really know Baldrick but I did ask his advice the other day something he spent time giving.... so to me he seems the type of bloke who will share the benefit of his experience, which to start with is all he was doing


forums are for like minder people to swap advise, information and help each other ...so lets get back to it


Ken (aka the voice of reasson)

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