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What range with a 243 on live quarry??


243 max range  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Distance

    • 75 yards
    • 100 yards
    • 150 yards
    • 175 Yards
    • 200 Yards
    • 250 yards
    • 275 yards
    • 300 yards
    • 350 Yards
    • 400 yards
    • 400 yards +

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With all the talk of 300 yard 17HMR shots and other people declaring 500 yard shots with 243's i thought i'd ask what maximum range you would confidently use your 243 out to, me personally would be 175 to 200 yard max, that is mostly due to my confidence...


I personally think you would have to be an idiot to try and shoot at any living quarry at 500 yards with a 243 but i have read such comments on here!





Edited by gixer1
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why would anyone be an "idiot" mate to shoot live quarry at 500 yards,it is very easy to do when you have the correct kit and the correct conditions and of course practiced on paper

my own 243 will print a group of 2.5 inch at 500 yards

problem is people do not know what a centre fire rifle is capable of,seems your one of these people,no offence intended by the way but you really should educate yourself a little more

my last stalking trip I harvested 18 beasts in 3 days the furthest shot taken at 465 yards,closet shot 20 yards.this wasnt with my 243 I only took 2 beasts at 345 yards with that rifle

so yes quite easy to do if you are prepared to put the time in,and of course shoot to the "conditions"

goodluck and enjoy

back to your origonal question,I would confidently use my 243 out to 600 yards on live quarry (condition permitting)

Edited by Ackley
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I don't shoot with a 243 but I would of thought there isn't a hard and fast rule, Everybody is different, everyone's shooting ability is also different so there isn't really a correct figure. I have shot deer shaped metal plate targets with my 6.5 out to over 600 and its a lot farther than you think, The 400 target was Ok but when you get out to those distances there are a huge number of things you need to take into account, So I don't think there is a right answer, Up to you and your ability's. This is based on the person having some common sense though..


Cheers Jon

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You say ''Live quarry''


Now, I'm pretty sure if you hit a rabbit - anywhere - at most ranges - with a .243 it's going to be oblitareted so, I'd be happy with someone attempting a 500 yard shot.


If, you mean on a deer, (let's say - red deer) The heart shot would be far to small an area to accuratly hit, and I wouldn't expect it to be taken under 200 yards, not saying that the bullet wouldn't kill much further on.

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the gun will have more ability than the shooter. While I don't have a 243, I do have a 30-06 and have shot it at distance for deer. The rifle has more capability than I do for sure. That said, out to 400 yards wasn't even a doubt whether you were going to shoot or not. I couldn't begin to count the number of deer we shot in the 300-400 range with 270, 280, 30-06, and 308.


Personally, I'd trust a 243 with a 95 gr VLD out to 500 yards on white tails.




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the gun will have more ability than the shooter. While I don't have a 243, I do have a 30-06 and have shot it at distance for deer. The rifle has more capability than I do for sure. That said, out to 400 yards wasn't even a doubt whether you were going to shoot or not. I couldn't begin to count the number of deer we shot in the 300-400 range with 270, 280, 30-06, and 308.


Personally, I'd trust a 243 with a 95 gr VLD out to 500 yards on white tails.




In the past I did some practical rifle shooting competitions using an L1A1 .762 . On my first competition shoot at Moody's Down, shooting paper targets, at 600yds, on a moderately windy day, I was amazed at how far off my target I had to aim to get on the bull. In perfectly still conditions I could put a group on the target that was covered by a fag packet, in a gusty breeze I found it incredibly difficult.


If you can guarantee a kill, take the shot. I have too much respect for my quarry to treat them as paper targets, I do not want to exceed my skill level and to make an animal suffer for it needlessly. I do not like these willy measuring contests about whose is biggest or who can shoot the "longest". Twice this year I have culled fallow does, for a nice old lady who owns a wood near a local village, with their lower jaw blown off because some local nerk thinks he can neck shoot deer and obviously cannot. Deer move, paper dosn't. Practise as much as you can, shoot with respect.




That said i have been priviledged to see some exceptional shots at work, I am not one.

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Everything depends on shot placement.. And you must consider all other conditions prior to your shot.. You may be able to bang a gong at 500 yards, but what about the ribs you must break through in order to make that one shot one kill heart shot? I will never dounbt anyones ability on this forum, though the 306 yard rabbit shot does stand out :hmm: I hunt white tails here and i would not take one past 250 with the .243.. At 500 yards i would use my 158 grain 7MM Remington magnum.. but before i make that shot :good: I would see if i can inch myself closer.. That is just my opinion..

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I used my .243 AI out to 400-odd yards on vermin and hares only, and the longest shot I took with the .243 Win was 376 yards. Having other, bigger kit capable of a lot more, I know that those shots taken with the .243s were relatively straightforward. The 87gr V-Max is a wonderful bullet.


Every shot is judged, ranged and dialled in, shooting from a solid position, on land I know like the back of my hand. Glass is the best quality, all ammunition is loaded to suit. It is a question of practice, good judgement and ethics. It is totally different from speculative, 300-yard shots taken with a .17 HMR.

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I know some guys that can shoot very accurately out to over 500 yards with a centrefire rifle. With the right target kit, knowledge and even ballistic programmes and wind meters etc, 500 yards isn't a lot to ask if you know what you're doing and are prepared to go through all the trouble of working out where to aim. I'm a sporting shooter with a zoom scope and a set of eyes to judge wind so myself I would restrict it no matter what the calibre to 300 on bunnies, 200 on Deer due to my experience. Maybe when my .300 win mag is set up with a decent scope and I've learned a bit I may go out further, but only if and when I can hit good groups on paper in field conditions.


Long shots with a HMR though I'm not a fan of. It just hasn't got the power to be consistant at stupid ranges :hmm:

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You say ''Live quarry''


Now, I'm pretty sure if you hit a rabbit - anywhere - at most ranges - with a .243 it's going to be oblitareted so, I'd be happy with someone attempting a 500 yard shot.


If, you mean on a deer, (let's say - red deer) The heart shot would be far to small an area to accuratly hit, and I wouldn't expect it to be taken under 200 yards, not saying that the bullet wouldn't kill much further on.


Have you ever seen the heart/lung area of a Red deer compared to a rabbit? I think you would be surprised at the size......

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Have you ever seen the heart/lung area of a Red deer compared to a rabbit? I think you would be surprised at the size......


Yes, it wasn't really my point - but it's my fault I brought myself explaining it wrong.



The problem with shooting a Deer at 400 yards, is what do you do if you miss? The area is still very small at that range and the long suffereing of a liver or gut shot is possible, and when the deer is that far away there is no real way to have a follow up shot.


a .243 is more than possible to kill at that range, I just call it uncaring and arrogant to believe you can get constant, humane kills that far out.

Edited by Bleeh
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why would anyone be an "idiot" mate to shoot live quarry at 500 yards,it is very easy to do when you have the correct kit and the correct conditions and of course practiced on paper

my own 243 will print a group of 2.5 inch at 500 yards

problem is people do not know what a centre fire rifle is capable of,seems your one of these people,no offence intended by the way but you really should educate yourself a little more

my last stalking trip I harvested 18 beasts in 3 days the furthest shot taken at 465 yards,closet shot 20 yards.this wasnt with my 243 I only took 2 beasts at 345 yards with that rifle

so yes quite easy to do if you are prepared to put the time in,and of course shoot to the "conditions"

goodluck and enjoy

back to your origonal question,I would confidently use my 243 out to 600 yards on live quarry (condition permitting)


Just to confirm that I witnessed Ackers do a 400 yard fox, uphill when it was blowing a hooley without even considering dialing it in and all that mumbo jumbo.


know your rifle, know your distances and stick within your capabilities. I personally have never shot anything over 250 yards but that's down to me and not the rifle setup. With practice I could to it more justice.


Ackley can shoot his make no mistake.

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Mr Bleeh

you havnt really be reading or understanding what people have said

you actually said

"I personally think you would have to be an idiot to try and shoot at any living quarry at 500 yards with a 243 but i have read such comments on here!"


so myself and others must be idiots :lol: is this waht your saying :lol:

read carefully the comments left ALL has stated the CONDITIONS must be right to take a long shot and be SURE of a humane kill.

So there is no problem of killing deer at 400 yards plus,infact its quite easy given the correct "condition,caliber and bullet choice"

maybe you should just say "well done" to the guys who can and have spend money and time learning and developing there skill to hit targets at longer ranges,instead of calling them "idiot"

the only "idiot" is the one that doesnt learn or accept what is possable

Edited by Ackley
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Mr Bleeh

you havnt really be reading or understanding what people have said

you actually said

"I personally think you would have to be an idiot to try and shoot at any living quarry at 500 yards with a 243 but i have read such comments on here!"


so myself and others must be idiots :lol: is this waht your saying :lol:

read carefully the comments left ALL has stated the CONDITIONS must be right to take a long shot and be SURE of a humane kill.

So there is no problem of killing deer at 400 yards plus,infact its quite easy given the correct "condition,caliber and bullet choice"

maybe you should just say "well done" to the guys who can and have spend money and time learning and developing there skill to hit targets at longer ranges,instead of calling them "idiot"

the only "idiot" is the one that doesnt learn or accept what is possable



That wasn't me, it was ''gixer 1'' -I never once said the word idoit.

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I have seen a 444 yard fox shot with a 243,so i figure if you can hit a fox in the chest at that distance you should be able to put a bullet were it counts on a deer.I have taken fox up to 280yds with the 22-250 !so why would some people not shoot anything over 200 with a 243 ?


Some people either have inacurate guns or they are bad shots.....but each to their own !

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Firstly, I am no stranger to taking a few beasts myself, but in my opinion stalking is about getting as close to your quarry as possible without it knowing you are there not about shooting as long a distance as possible.


The 243 round in my opinion is a fantastic round but due to available loads and ballistics data i would say is not really the tool for the job on deer at 400 yards, if you take a Federal 80 grain Power shok round for example -


wind drift -


200 yards = 0"

400 yards = 12.8"


Drop -


200 = 2.2"

400 = over 10"


energy -


Muzzle =1970 ft/lbs

400 yards = 970 ft/lbs


so effectively you have lost over half of the rounds energy at 400 yards and you could be over a foot to either side providing you can judge wind very well at the target as this can be very different 400 yards away from the shooting position! (and this is based on a 10mph wind which i think you'll agree is a low figure for our country)


of course the drop also has to be taken into consideration (which can also be around a foot)


and the operators ability to judge distance..


so with all the above do you not think either changing caliber to suit the distance you shoot out to or reducing the distance is a better idea?


If you have a poor shot at 400 yards (as everyone does from time to time) do you not think it makes it more difficult to carry out a second shot or follow the beast?


Do you really think a "400 yard fox uphill" when "blowing a hooley" is a sensible shot with a 243?


the keeper who has given me the most instruction with regards to stalking (who i might add is incredibly experienced) has always taght me it is better to stalk the beast to an acceptable distance rather than taking a shot at the limits of a round as the stalking part is a far harder concept to grasp than pulling the trigger.


Maybe other guys need to learn a little....





Edited by gixer1
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you seem to have moved the goals post here,you NEVER stated "STALKING" you asked what distance people would take a long shot at with a 243

so stop trying to change things you have made yourself look stupid enough

as to me taking a 400 ayd shot in the wind,whats wrong with that "I know my set up" rather well,also dont spout on and post factory ammo wind drifts and drops as anyone who takes long range shots usually reloads and has done there field testing to know where the shot is going

wind your neck in son and take some advice from those that know and can do what they say

I kill deer at alsorts of distance,the difference being I can be confident to tajke that long shot "if needed" unlkie yourself who hasnt got the confidence

no offence ment by the way you just need to take your blinkers off and stop taking advice form old boys who think a 6 inch group at 100 yards is good enough

by the way people tend to miss deeer at closer ranges than longer ranges as they get complacent

I rest my case

Edited by Ackley
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What goal posts were moved? i said Live quarry, where did i say "long" shots? this was not including paper targets on ranges using benchrest target equipment.


And "wind your neck in son":angry:?? These comments are produced by a ****.......you seem to have made quite a few assumptions from an internet forum, which I feel is a silly thing to do, this was meant as a poll not a game of forum argument tennis.


I never said anything about a 6" group being good enough for some of these so called "old boys" and I would be confident that some of these "old boys" such as the Richard Prior's of the world know a little more than you when it comes to Deer management.


The factory ammo was used as a base line, i see no problem with that??? I'm sure it's a commonly used round all over the UK and the USA for that matter, it's hard to take a base line from homeloads on a forum as everyone may have a different method.


and my original post said that anyone who shoots live quarry at 500 yards with a 243 is an idiot, I haven't read anyone claiming to have taken a 500 yard shot at live quarry yet therefore i haven't called anyone an idiot yet (although the prospect is tempting)


Maybe less of the insulting comments and more of a discussion would be a better idea Ackley..... :good:





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let me remind you what "you" said


I personally think you would have to be an idiot to try and shoot at any living quarry at 500 yards with a 243 but i have read such comments on here!


myself and many others shoot live quarry at 500 yards plus,so we all must be idiots ehh :angry:

idiots who

precision load and fine tune there ammo

use range finders to get an exact distance

use optics that cost more tham your months wages

use wind meters

use ballistic programmes along side a chrono to get precise data

have a a rifle built to be able to shoot precession long range

take the time to field test there set ups so a long shot can be made


yep we all must be idiots for not nipping to out local gunshop and buying any old rubbish thay have on there shelf which may hit a brick at 100 yards :good:

ignorance is no excuse son.

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myself and many others shoot live quarry at 500 yards plus,so we all must be idiots ehh :angry:

idiots who

precision load and fine tune there ammo

use range finders to get an exact distance

use optics that cost more tham your months wages

use wind meters

use ballistic programmes along side a chrono to get precise data

have a a rifle built to be able to shoot precession long range

take the time to field test there set ups so a long shot can be made


Mmmm looks like I'm an idiot too Ackley.

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Again your post is full of assumption, firstly - drop the "son" for all you know I'm older than you, secondly - more than my months wages??? :angry: you clearly have no idea what i work as so why make a stupid statement???


you have no need to remind me what I said, as i commented in my last post nobody had mentioned taking a 500 yard live quarry shot...


And a wind meter is only any good for measuring wind at the firing point, there can be a drastic difference between that and the target point wind speed.


I guess I should just believe you never have a bad shot and are actually Carlos Hathcock in disguise....


But then I suppose he was an "old boy" who thought 6" at 100 yards was acceptable....


enjoy your day "son", I need to go and work for my small wage to buy any old rubbish from my local gun shop.. :good:



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