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Footwear for shooting


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Hi Guys,


Another day another question. This time, I was wondering what sort of footwear people thought was best for shooting in?


I used to wear big boots when I was shooting sporting as where I shot was really boggy, but always felt uncomfortable in them, especially when zipped up.


Now I shoot a bit of sporting by the woods if the weather is nice, but mostly skeet/sporting on concrete, where any footwear would do and have shot a few times in work shoes, running shoes, even a pair of fivefingers. I've not really looked into what I shoot best in, but don't think I feel comfortable in shoes with a raised heel.


What are other people's experiences?



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Not really your colour Chard, you might struggle around Hepworth Hall in those.


It depends where I am shooting and what the weather has been like, but I don't seem to notice any difference in my shooting whatever shoes I have on. In preference I will shoot in trainers.

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I always wear trainers unless its like a swamp and then I might put some boots on. I have been known to slip and fall flat on my **** a few times though! :blush:


See, I've been going to Mendip Shooting Ground for 2 years now and have yet to be there when it rains. No matter how bad the weather is in Bristol, its always a cool shade of grey at MSG. Admittedly it snowed the week I bought my gun, but that's as close as I've come. Don't think I'd be one to go on boggy ground anyway if it was a choice between that, Skeet or DTL :/


I guess I always assumed that people who were shooting trap or skeet for long periods would be obsessive about having everything exactly the same everythime, and perfectly comfortable. So clothing never changes, doesn't ruffle, warm and flexible, etc... and the same would go for shoes. I'm surprised it's not a factor in the game, since they even have special shoes for prone rifle shooters don't they?



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