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moral dilemma


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Ok i offered to do a pall a favor well actually he asked i said yehh no probs

This favor was to book his old n reg astra car in for mot with my other m8 who owns the mot station

i did this i paid for the mot and left the car there it failed on a few bits and bobs so he asked do i know anyone to do the work i said i will ask for him ,, I did someone agreed to pick the car up from outside the mot station where I had parked it !! after it had failed its test ...

That was Wednesday it was supposed to be picked up Thursday but the chap ho offered to do the work got tied down and could not get there ,

So he was supposed to pick it up this morning any way over night the car suffered a attempted theft steering wheel being broken clean off

the spline that on the steering column has sheared as they tried to force the lock off

to cut a long story short i have removed the broken one a good hour and half and had to the travel to the scrap yard who are removing one for me @ a cost of £30

Now £30 is not a lot and thats not the point its nor is the overall time it will take me say 3-4 hours


My point is who do you think should pay ?



the owner

the chap who was supposed to pick it up and fix it

The little **** who broke it ( haha little chance of that )


im just i a little mood about the whole thing and its all something i could do without, its just got my back up that its assumed i should pay and im the one doing a fave for no financial gain also i may add that if the car had not been broken into in fact i would have been saving him money cheap mot and cheap repairs !

your opinions plz

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I would just explain what has happend. Your mate might be a bit peeved but should understand if he's a mate. It's only £30 and he's probably saving more than that by getting you mate to do the work. You've done him a load of favours and saved him having to get things done himself.


It wasn't your fault it got broken into unless it was left unlocked?

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I know this sounds daft an all!! but this car of your mates, insured is it? 3rd party? :hmm: now i'm not saying it was him............... This could be an insurance job?? :good:

But lets just say for example.... the car fails mot, its parked out side the mot center, your mate cant make it, so you let the owner know? :yes:

When they come to do the work on it, Hey presto its been broken into... :blush:

Now correct me if i'm wrong, which i could be? but if they were going to nick it!! they would have!! :lol: if you get my drift....... :blush:


I'm always aware and cant trust anyone!! I hope i'm wrong!



Edited by magpie_assassin
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Whats that old saying a friend in need is a pain in the ****, some people will give and take and when there is this understanding things work very well and everyone is very happy. Then there are those who take and take, they bring you a problem and get you to deal with it.

Your mate sounds like the latter, youve done enough make it clear its his problem and he should deal with it, a real mate will apologise and get on with it and no more will be said on the matter.


If he keeps whinging pee in his beer.




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ive got this buttoned down the cars fixed as good as new it took me a few hours im over it now and the stress has gone , im gona see what me pal says and if he offers to pay i will let him pay for the parts and a pint , if he don't well next time he asks for a fave im afraid its going to be No not right now !!!


If the insurance where to have been called the car would have been a write off but the associated hastle was not worth there involvement im just glad that the whole thing sheared right off so they could not take the car and reek havoc

The thing that broke is amazing its a 15mm solid steel bar that has a spline machined on the end that the steering wheel bolts to its cleanly broke !!!!

i imagine they used the steering wheel as leverage i bet it hurt a lot when it gave way , or should i say i Hope it hurt a lot ....


the cars worth buttons not worth a claim whatsoever theres no way on this earth that they could take the car after they broke the wheel off to my mind its not feasible thats some one would think up whats been suggested tbh ive been told can be cynical but come on lol

Thanks for you input i like the pee in brewski one i keep that to mind lol

Edited by jayward
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Your pal should pay really. It's his car and these things happen. I wouldn't expect a mate of mine to cover the cost of that kind of thing just because he happened to leave the car there. It's just bad luck and down to the owner to sort out. I hope he gets you a few beers for fixing it too, I'd say that was a very kind gesture ???:good:

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