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basc for jobseekers


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just read in the latest basc mag that they are gonna be doing a reduced membership rate for anyone claiming jobseekers allowance. the offer also applies to any joint memberships etc...

the reason they give is to offer aid to shooters in these hard times.....


what do you think on this?


i think on the one hand its great that people who have lost their jobs recently can continue to shoot with basc backing...however, on the other hand, my renewal is due and although, fortunately, i am employed, i too like many other people am feeling the pinch of this recession and could do with the benefit of a reduced rate....

the thought that i should have to pay in full whilst others dont is enough to make me shop around this time round.... :wub:

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well if you have been made unemployed and your membership is up for renewal, then I supose it's ok.

me I had to make the choice between BASC membership or rod licence, I can always get a day licence on line or get the sea fishing gear out, times are difficult and they might get worse, you have to make your choices,

I know groups like BASC might not be essential to shooting but you do feel a bit "naked" without them.

like me old grandad used to say "belt n braces"

I think that reads right but I have been on the ole' rosie :wub: :wub: :wub::lol:

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hhmmm...i dont mean to seem bitter over it,, im glad they've reduced their fee's for some folk, its just that we're all in this tight spot....

we're not all part of the well off shooting fraternity to whom the fee's are buttons.... for alot of shooters membership is not always afordable but is as many would agree, a necessity.... i for one, stretch my spare cash to have this luxury and right now, spare cash aint in abundance...

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how much has it been reduced by,not much i bet, and not enough to make any differance either,


Good to see the BASC knockers are still at it. Reduced from £64 to £29, but I suppose you'll still find something to moan about.

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Surely if they can do membership for £29 for jobseekers then effectively they are ripping off everyone else by £35?


Oh well wont effect me.... NGO all the way :wub:



Eh, that makes no sense whatsoever on so many levels.


Bus travel is free for the over 60's, so that must mean everyone else who pays is being ripped off ? :wub:


The BASC knockers are welcome to their tin pot regional organisations with single figure memberships. Of all the threads on here that start with "I need some help with....." the answers normally finish on "I phoned BASC and......". Never once seen a thread where anyone on here was recommended to phone SACS or NGO etc. Go figure? Perhaps with the thrifty subs comes less membership benefits generally? Na, of course not, we all know the BASC subs all go on champagne, range rovers and expensive tweed :wub:

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I think its a great gesture and shows they are in touch with the tough times a lot of people are going through. I'm lucky enough to be in full time employment and don't mind paying full price, but I'm grateful that if I lost my job, BASC would offer some small help. It really winds me up that when anyone does something positive, people can't wait to whinge and knock them. If public liability insurance is all you need, then yes, there are cheaper options than BASC. But they do so much more than that. They are far from perfect but they are the nearest thing we have to the 'gun lobby' the media bleat on about, to fight our corner and protect our sport. I'm proud to be a member and glad to see BASC value all their members not just the financially privileged.

Edited by Blunderbuss
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as well as a discount for the great unwashed, they should also have one for new members to increase subscription.

Unemployed = great unwashed? :wub::wub: An awful lot of decent hard working people have been made redundant in recent months, through no fault of their own in case you hadn't noticed?


I agree with your point about new members though, anything to swell the membership makes it a more effective organisation which government and other are more likely to listen to.

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there is also alot of people who sit on there *** all day never tried to get a job and now there getting a £35 discount ! nice


oh for ****s sake! so what? how many of those can afford cartridges at almost £5 a box? at least itll swell the bloody numbers a bit if they did join! i know that if i lost my job tomorrow (which is a distinct possibility) id be more than grateful to basc for reducing membership costs for people in a tough spot. by some of these reactions you'd think basc had turned around and said that all muslims/illegal immigrants/convicted paedophiles will get free membership for life! it ****** me off no end to see the anti basc ***** jumping in to have a go any chance they get. why dont you just bloody wise up. :wub:

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Unemployed = great unwashed? :wub::wub:An awful lot of decent hard working people have been made redundant in recent months, through no fault of their own in case you hadn't noticed?


I agree with your point about new members though, anything to swell the membership makes it a more effective organisation which government and other are more likely to listen to.


I had noticed, and im sure you know the type i mean. (see Ryans post below)



there is also alot of people who sit on there *** all day never tried to get a job and now there getting a £35 discount ! nice
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as well as a discount for the great unwashed, they should also have one for new members to increase subscription.



people who are so opinionated annoy me im un employed and you would label me the great un washed i have worked since i was 17 got hgv 1 and 2, nvq level there mechanic, registered with ata and imi both automotive organisations with high standards. my was most recent employment being a soldier in the army. i was medically discharged and because the cause was my fault i was left with no benifits from the MOD.




wish that people on here would think before they type sometimes.

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I don't usually post on topics like this, but i have to say the vast majority of men i know who shoot are hard working guys, in this part of the world a few are having a bit of a lean time and i for one don't begrudge paying full memebrship fee's as i am lucky enough to be working, a close friend of mine is struggling at the moment just to pay the bill's and he won't go shooting without insurance so a reduced fee is helping him out! Plus most of the idle layabouts who do a bit of shooting over here don't bother with membership to anything so it is hardly playing into their hands as they wouldn't be members anyway!! just my tuppence worth!!!

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people who are so opinionated annoy me im un employed and you would label me the great un washed i have worked since i was 17 got hgv 1 and 2, nvq level there mechanic, registered with ata and imi both automotive organisations with high standards. my was most recent employment being a soldier in the army. i was medically discharged and because the cause was my fault i was left with no benifits from the MOD.




wish that people on here would think before they type sometimes.



And i wish people would read the full post before engaging their fingers.

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you still had the ignorance to write it in the first place so trying to retract a statment doesnt cut it with me... i have fallen on hard times and its nice to know that there are still a few organisations out there who are willing to give people a helping hand....


oh and yes i can still afford to shoot due to some good friends that also give me a discount on cartridges

Edited by Duncan.heywood
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Good to see the BASC knockers are still at it. Reduced from £64 to £29, but I suppose you'll still find something to moan about.


your missing the point here... most of us have been affected by this rescession in some way and with my own membership up for renewal, i for one will be literally scraping the fee's together to remain a member...... its not just those who have been unfortunate enough to loose their jobs who should benefit here... we're not all earning megabucks and shooting on driven days every other day of the week...you know the people i mean here, who can afford to buy the hand made, fitted solid oak drinks cabinets for the back of their range rover, you know the type they advertise every month in the basc mag...

add to that the point that i AM a member who appreciates what i get for my money and understands fully the reasons why i should be a member, my point is simply that if they can reduce their rate, then now would be an appropriate time to do it for all, even if it was only by a few quid...it would help...



oh for ****s sake! so what? how many of those can afford cartridges at almost £5 a box? at least itll swell the bloody numbers a bit if they did join! i know that if i lost my job tomorrow (which is a distinct possibility) id be more than grateful to basc for reducing membership costs for people in a tough spot. by some of these reactions you'd think basc had turned around and said that all muslims/illegal immigrants/convicted paedophiles will get free membership for life! it ****** me off no end to see the anti basc ***** jumping in to have a go any chance they get. why dont you just bloody wise up. :yes:


babby, thats a tad strong mate "*****"...come on *** .... as i expalined, i AM already a member and far from an anti...just felling the pinch is all...............



my own personal finances for my hobby have always been tight,the extravagnace of shoothing clays is a treat!!! some folk here can afford to go an shoot clays everyweekend, me, no chance..... id imagine it is like this for many other lads with young familys here and right now, as cash is tight many may see the non mandatory requirment of insurance as a luxury they could do without... me ill be trying to get the cash together but orgs like basc may find membership numbers dropping this year for this precise reason ...

my point is purley that its not just the unemployed who could do with the help, yes i have an income, but yes, that income is mostly all spent each month with no real amount to spare...


so tell me how i should be "wising up" babbs mate ...?

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babby, thats a tad strong mate "*****"...come on *** .... as i expalined, i AM already a member and far from an anti...just felling the pinch is all...............



my own personal finances for my hobby have always been tight,the extravagnace of shoothing clays is a treat!!! some folk here can afford to go an shoot clays everyweekend, me, no chance..... id imagine it is like this for many other lads with young familys here and right now, as cash is tight many may see the non mandatory requirment of insurance as a luxury they could do without... me ill be trying to get the cash together but orgs like basc may find membership numbers dropping this year for this precise reason ...

my point is purley that its not just the unemployed who could do with the help, yes i have an income, but yes, that income is mostly all spent each month with no real amount to spare...


so tell me how i should be "wising up" babbs mate ...?


sorry mate, your taking me wrong here, that wasnt directed at you. my first post was a bit strong, admittedly, and i apologise for that, but some of the other posts which, to me, were just looking an excuse to have a go at basc, got on my nerves - take a look again, the ones im talking about should be very easy to spot.


now i dont shoot clays every weekend, far from it. its usually once every 2 or 3 months, and even then we buy a box of clays and use our own traps to try and keep the costs as low as possible; 95% of the time when i have a gun in my hand im standing in a field, because 1) you dont have to pay for pigeons and crows and 2) firing 100 cartridges on one of my permissions would mean ive just had a very busy day, we usually average out at a box or less - i can make a carton of 6's last over 2 months with rough shooting, but id go through more than a carton in one day just at clays. a good bit of my wages is bonus related, sales are down due to the recession so that means the longer i can make the ammo last the better. it would be great if ALL membership fees were reduced to help everyone out, but at least theyre moving in the right direction.


ps - is it just me or has the filter been toned down a bit lately? :yes:

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kenny, did you read anything i written ? i clearly said it was great that they had reduced their price to less then half price to the unemployed, i just added to that the point that times are hard and i for one think if they can do this for the unemployed, they can also do somthing for the shooter on a budget....

no one was "lashing out"...i dont begrudge them any help they can get...i wasnt bashing basc either... they do a great job protecting out sport.....

im not after any sympathy for being skint, in fact by some poor ******* standards i do ok...but like i said, my shooting cash is tight as it is... i am a member, i have never once phoned basc for any help (thankfully) i mearly use them for the peace of mind of insurance and fighting our corner on the law side of things... i just wish their fee reduction was given to many others who could use it.... it was also stated in an earlier post that many( not all) unemployed can ill afford to shoot as it is and i wondered if this magnanimous gesture of theirs was something they know many folk wont be taking advantage of anyhoo... ? ok, they cant give you a fee based on your income but they must understand that to some folk who shoot the fee's are buttons whilst to others they are in fact, alot of money....we're in a recession, if they can reduce their fee's, they should...




babby mate, no offense taken pal, i didnt think it your style mate to have a dig like that ....

Edited by myzeneye
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as well as a discount for the great unwashed, they should also have one for new members to increase subscription.




I lost my job in February. What do you know about me that entitles you to stereotype me as "great unwashed"? Or anyone else that has lost their job?


I HOPE YOURS IS SAFE ....................................

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