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More Pembrokeshire Foxing....


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Further to my last thread;


Pembrokeshire Foxing


Ive been out a few times recently and thought id let you know about my last 2 nights out. The owners of the first bit of land have recently implemented a 'shoot on sight' policy for old Charlie and had the pleasure of taking one of the owners out with my shooting buddy and myself on Saturday night......


It all started very quiet with a few bunnies taken, surprisingly enough we were expecting great things on the bunny front but it was mediocre to say the least (entirely down to the fantastic weather in the day). Between us we did manage to get enough for the freezer so no worries there. Rob bagged a few nice specimens with his new rifle and was very happy with the results. I decided to carry my .22LR as the land is situated on high ground opposite a (cr4p) housing estate so as to not upset the locals went for the quiet option :big_boss:.


After a quick brew and a chat we headed off and after a couple of scans we found out we were being loosely followed by a set of nice bright eyes :) we set up and started calling. After a couple of minutes a shot presented itself and i took it standing with the .22LR (due to the lye of the land). Shot was taken at 40-50 yards and unfortunately due to the standing shot and other factors it wasn't a clean kill as id anticipated :good: , a quick move over to the injured animal and the fatal shot was given. Animal was a nice condition vixen:




After quick walk around we decided to call it a night on this particular permission and move onto another. On the way back to the car we happened across another set of eyes about 100 yards in the direction of travel. A few squeaks later and foxy had moved to ~40-50 yards directly in front. Shot was taken and no mistaking this time it was a 100% clean shot. Fox dropped like a stone. On inspection fox turned out to be another vixen in good condition and was carrying a mouthful of bread and dog biscuits (obviously for some youngish cubs). Not an ideal outcome but as the land owner was present i had to comply with his pest control wishes, if not theres a number of people who would happily take my place here :(




The move to the next farm ended up in a washout, it was a very still night and we were plagued by fog most of the night. Charlie was seen but no safe shot presented itself. Fast forward to Tuesday night. I had today off so decided to go out and see what was lurking on the local poultry farm. As Rob was working i had to go without my wingman/lamper/spotter/caller and go it alone :lol::oops:


The night started off very quiet, again i thought it was going to be a washout but in one of the furthers away fields i spotted 4 sets of eyes. I layed down and watched for a few minutes waiting for a shot to present itself. After a short while it did, i shot and heard the unmistakable sound of me ruining Charlies night. Upon inspection it was another vixen in good condition (it transpired that the other eyes were older cubs out hunting with the now deceased mother). The cubs were flitting in and out of cover but unfortunately a shot didn't present itself [this time :big_boss:]




After a quick circuit of a few field the field directly before the one above had a nice set of eyes at distance flitting in between a few chicken shed. I called for a few minutes and managed to pull in a very flighty fox. Shot was taken at 100 yards in the chest. Fox dropped like a stone, upon inspection round (.223 V-max) did not exit so a very quick kill. Fox was yet another vixen but had definitely not had cubs.




Next off i moved to the back edge of a field i had watched over earlier (from on top of some bales) i saw foxy but was unable to take the shot. On scanning the field on my return i noticed fox ~80 yards in front sniffing about and completely oblivious to m presence :hmm: shot was taken and as expected all that was left was for me to retrieve. Upon inspection it was yet another young vixen (without cubs) in fine condition.




As it was getting on and the weather that was forecast started to appear i decided to wander back to the car. On my way back over a field of young crops i spotted another set of eyes travelling right to left at ~100 yards. A quick squeak to stop it and number 4 of the night was in the bag. On checking it over it was a very big and old dog fox in nice condition.




All in all a fantastic night, it certainly made up for the wash out of Sat night. I even managed to get back to the car just as it started to rain :big_boss:


If you've got this far, thanks for reading.


Best regards,



Edited by DaveP3@
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hi mate could i just ask a quick question 'what caller do you use/preferr?' cos im nt too good using my hand to squeak and so i opted for the silver nickel thing with a hole through the middle n it doesnt seem to even get the foxes attention and when i do it even rabbits still sit there lol. thanks alot.

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well doen Dave


Q; whats the NV set up and what range will it give you?


I have a problem lamp shy giving me the run around and have thought about an upgrade to NV but looking at the cost to me for shooting farmers charlie its a no brainer so far :hmm:

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Hi Guys,


Thank you all for the very kind comments, much appreciated ;)


hi mate could i just ask a quick question 'what caller do you use/preferr?' cos im nt too good using my hand to squeak and so i opted for the silver nickel thing with a hole through the middle n it doesnt seem to even get the foxes attention and when i do it even rabbits still sit there lol. thanks alot.


Hi, I use a combination of Primos Raspy Coaxer/WAM/Tenterfield/hand & mouth. Ive also started to do a 'chicken type' noise by making a very loud kissing noise (and adjusting pitch/duration with my lips) :hmm: which has worked wonders and has called in 4 or 5 recently.


well doen Dave


Q; whats the NV set up and what range will it give you?


I have a problem lamp shy giving me the run around and have thought about an upgrade to NV but looking at the cost to me for shooting farmers charlie its a no brainer so far :lol:


H Pav,


The NV is a Gen3 PVS-14 and IOR 4-14x50 ULTRA dayscope with Cobra DSA. Performance is astonishing. I will usually only need any IR on a moonless/cloudless night. I tend to locate with white light and call/spot/shoot with no IR at all. To say that my setup has paid for itself already is an understatement. The enjoyment i get from 'proper' night hunting makes the late night well worth it.


Hopefully, if Rob sees this he may post and impartial comment on the NV and its performance. I would honestly be lost without it mate.


Its a shame were not closer, you would be more than welcome to come over and have a butchers ;)


Best regards,



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Just a couple of lines about Dave's nv,in a few words,it is phenomenal ;) .

I have a gen1 nvmt and i thought it was ok,but when you look through Dave's it is a different world.Basically it turns the night into a green and black day,it is crystal clear,so good you can see the bunnies chewing, really :lol: .

I use the lamp now and leave the nv to dave,as he said we scan with light and when we see eyes,Dave uses the nv,i rarely see the kill ;) because the nv coupled with that great rifle means you can reach out to ranges you would not normally think of.

To sum it up crystal clear,huge field of view,brilliant definition,amazing range,you can see foxy way before he sees you.


Before you all think that this is the nv for you,and you are going to get one,ask Dave the price :hmm: Then you will see why i have gen 1 nv and a lamp.


I'm sure Dave has a few pics taken through the nv he may post so you can see the clarity.

It is simply the best nv i have ever seen.

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Thanks again for the kind comments :lol:


How much did the monocular and the add ons cost and how far can you see with it?


Depends on the spec of the tube to be honest, they can start at around £1.8k - £2k ish (for an older spec tube/body) and go up from there really :D Although i have an almost criminal amount of cash tied up in my foxing rig i personally think its worth every penny (not to sure the wife holds the same sentiment though :lol:). As for performance, furthest ive shot is a fox at 268 yards with no additional IR. I can normally see bunnies at 350+. Any NV performance question is very hard to answer, loads of different variables to consider :)


[quote name=Dave@p3Hopefully' date=' if Rob sees this he may post and impartial comment on the NV and its performance


Just a couple of lines about Dave's nv,in a few words,it is phenomenal :bye2: .

I have a gen1 nvmt and i thought it was ok,but when you look through Dave's it is a different world.Basically it turns the night into a green and black day,it is crystal clear,so good you can see the bunnies chewing, really :rolleyes: .

I use the lamp now and leave the nv to dave,as he said we scan with light and when we see eyes,Dave uses the nv,i rarely see the kill :no: because the nv coupled with that great rifle means you can reach out to ranges you would not normally think of.

To sum it up crystal clear,huge field of view,brilliant definition,amazing range,you can see foxy way before he sees you.


Before you all think that this is the nv for you,and you are going to get one,ask Dave the price :lol: Then you will see why i have gen 1 nv and a lamp.


I'm sure Dave has a few pics taken through the nv he may post so you can see the clarity.

It is simply the best nv i have ever seen.[/quote]


Cheers for that Rob, not got any pics on my PC for some reason. Will sort that out at the weekend if your up for it..... I have a plan :lol:


Again, thanks for the replies.


Best regards,



Edited by DaveP3@
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well doen Dave


Q; whats the NV set up and what range will it give you?


I have a problem lamp shy giving me the run around and have thought about an upgrade to NV but looking at the cost to me for shooting farmers charlie its a no brainer so far :good:



NV's down to around 600 notes now, nothing for a man of your calibre.

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Again, thanks for the comments. Hoping to get a few more in the next week or so :yes:



I am disapointed to see your gun does not have either a screw-driver, nor toothpick attachment... :good:


Thats on the other side of the rifle :lol:





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Hi Dave.good shooting there matey. one question,i also use a few US gen 3 optics,superb arent they,i use dedicated scopes and monoculars, is yours attached to your rifle using the universal attachment ?





Damn straight ! Gen3 optics are superb :blink:


I use a normal Cobra DSA, i just have a bit of green tape on it when i use it on my IOR scope (as i have to virtually have to strip the DSA to fit on the 53mm rear eye of the scope).






P.S Sorry for the delay in replying, i missed your post :good:

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