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pigeon shooting in northern ireland


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Hi guys . Does anyone know of any decent shooting that may be available in Northern Ireland over stubbles in July and August . Shooting in the Republic is out it would seem , as the laws prohibit shooting pigeons out of season over stubble with decoys. Any advice would be greatly appreciated Ta

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Has the law been changed in the Republic? Is there now a season or are you not allowed to shoot over crops that have been cut?


There is no large amount of organised pigeon shooting that you can pay for,but if you are near the border am sure a day or two could be arranged.

Edited by Ballymac
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Hi Ballymac. Actually i'm from Carryduff in Co Down.I've only been shooting pigeons for 2 or 3 years so i don't know when the law in the republic changed but my understanding of the current law down south is that woodpigeon basically have the same open season as game birds . They can be shot out of season if they are damaging standing/laid crops but shooting over stubble is illegal in the closed season because the crop has been harvested . As you know they can be shot all year round in the North as vermin. I have heard of guys having problems with the Gardai for shooting over stubble , so just be careful if you shoot down South over the summer .

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There is plenty of shooting to be had in your area, just drive around check out where the barley fields are in your area and ask the local farmer, just dont ask on dazza's permission. :hmm:

There are a few on here from Comber carryduff area.

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There was certainly plenty of pigeon around the saintfield area last autum round harvest time, but you have to do your homework as they were getting hammered around that time and were diffult to decoy for any big bags. There's a problem up this way of too many shooting and not enough land, i had a couple of good days in september and october over wheat stubble a lot of it was cut late due to the wet conditions, but most of the time it wasn't great to be honest!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

About 3 weeks ago had to take son to school real early (4.45am) as he was going on skool trip to Scotland (early ferry) so was passing two fields of barley that were sown about a week or so before this. The first field was blue with pigeons and the second black with crows. There must have been 500+ pigeons which in this area at that time of year was a massive flock.


Spoke to farmer around 12 ish told him about the birds and gave me permission to shoot. Was in field around 2pm shot around 22 birds of which 7 were pigeons. The problem was that a few fields away there was another farmer who had resown all his fields and htere were hundreds of crows in the area.

Arranged with a friend the next evening to give the crows ago, we set up around 5.30pm and shot 47 corvid between us and the following day I got another 27 both times shooting in evening.

The pigeons however returned to the first fields to dine at their leisure when we were in newly sown grass fields.


The next day there was no sign of large numbers of pigeons, just a few here and there. So hopefully this year will bring good shooting as the pigeon population seems to be healthy enough.

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  • 2 years later...

has anyone over here bought cartridges latly what sorta money they making

I just bought 800 (500 x 7 1/2´s and 300 x 6´s )

He did me a deal on the price, I paid £ 72.00 for the 7 1/2´s and £ 63.00 for the 6´s !! They were Eley 2 3/4".

Got them from Harry Burke in Coleraine :good:

Edited by Redditch
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I bought some a few weeks ago, 30g of no6 elay pigeon £54 for 250. Will certainly be choosing my shots more carefully from now on. I would hate to be into clays atthe mo. Prices of cartridges are going thru the roof and are about to get more expensive according to my local supplier. I bought cartridges last season at £34 for 250 of no6 eley pigeon.

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