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Gnat and mozzy bite relief


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Well, we must be in summer because the flying blood suckers are out and in force.


I don't know if it's just me, but as each year goes by the bites seem to hang around longer and itch more - maybe it's an allergy thing.


Apart from the usual application of Anthisan cream, does anyone have any tips on what is a killer gnat bite remover - something that has the quickest effect at reducing the swelling and taking away the itch.


Now I am off to find a hairbrush and have a proper scratch....

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Preventative - spray thoroughly with Jungle Fever


Cure - ask Mrs Mungler for some "jiggy-jiggy" - it wont cure your gnat bites but it'll take you mind off for a short while.

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I'm the same. Last year I covered myself in repellent (except for around eyes as per instructions) and the little *** found my 'Achilles heel' and bit me right next to the eye. The next day I looked like I had been smacked in the face - my eye was almost swelled shut!


It also seems to be a localised thing with me. My local mosquitoes near Bristol have much less of an effect, but Hampshire mossies may as well be tarantulas!


Antihistamine tablets help. Take before and after going out and they reduce the reaction a lot. Also a steroidal hydrocortisone cream like HC45 on the bite helps a lot but you aren't meant to use it on your face.

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tell me about it ! i seem to get hammered by them no matter what i use! couple of years ago i was fishing at a pond and kept getting bit even under my clothing they was just wanting to eat me ! after 3 hours i gave up fishing cos was starting to hurt . Got home got in the shower and come out in somthing like 100 bits my face and hands were the most affected ! had to have 3 days of work till the swelling went down went to drs for somthing and he was shocked what he see ! i got some stuff from the chemist cant remeber what it was but might not be as bad this year as we aint had loads of rain so no standing water

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Well, we must be in summer because the flying blood suckers are out and in force.


I don't know if it's just me, but as each year goes by the bites seem to hang around longer and itch more - maybe it's an allergy thing.


Apart from the usual application of Anthisan cream, does anyone have any tips on what is a killer gnat bite remover - something that has the quickest effect at reducing the swelling and taking away the itch.


Now I am off to find a hairbrush and have a proper scratch....



Have a fag, they don't like the smoke, or learn to run faster than 7mph, they don't like it up em. Skin so soft is only any good as a deterrent, not relief after the bite

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be careful with the citronella oil you will look like you have spent to long at the local chippy if you go out with that **** on, eurax cream is a life saver removes the itch in a few seconds and its bloody life saving, have a cool shower before you go to bed aswell (it helps) and jungle fever spray works, i dont like spraying it before getting into bed so get the plug, or Surplus and adventure do a coil thing, you put it in the holder (or just on the window sill) and it repels the mozzies geuss it works for gnats, if that doesnt work, GARLIC have something garlicy before bed (i know it dont sound great but trust me) it seems to work alright, although the missus might not be to appreciative of you being in the bed :blink: sofa for you...


or you could get a full blown mozzy net and hang it over your bed :hmm:

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bear grease or failing that jungle juice is a fare deterent or the ultrasonic deterents.never tried one so can,t vouch for there worth.as someone said vinigar helps,camomile lotion cools the skin and eases the itching as does lanacane cream.should see those clegs they get on the scottish heather moors more like terradactyles. huge ugly things,you need a transfusion if get bit by one of them.

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