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Fox caller................

Evil Elvis

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:good: I have been doing lot of fox control latelyt and have had some pretty good results mouth squeeking on the back of my hand, I have a fox squeeker which sends them running, ive been looking at the cass creek one, anyone used it? Bob uses polystyrene and spit on his windscreen which is devestatingly effective but most of my foxing is on foot.So what do you lot use that doesnt cost the earth?
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I've literally just cut a squeaker from a dog toy in half, so it's half hemisphere with the squeaker in the spot here it was. Clasp hands around and it sounds amazing. Was planning to use it tonight, but Gary stood me up because he's all loved up at the minute, but he blamed it on the rain.

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I have been doing lot of fox control latelyt and have had some pretty good results mouth squeeking on the back of my hand


You will have all on trying to buy anything better.


polystyrene on the lamp lens is a good stand by.


is that a standby if you cant find your hand mark :good::):)

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i use an old moblie phone, either down load some calls off internet and play using the music player (looped)or you can cancell all diverts and set a rabbit distress call as your ring tone, set up the phone anywere in the world but preferably on your permision and ring every so often :rolleyes: used that method last night to bag 2,

the advantage is you can use it at any distance :lol:

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i used recently to good effect a fox carp fishing bubble float..cost about 99p suck in the tube the line would go in..or for very close range try a pen top!!! seriously..it mimmicks a mouse squeak!!! had them close enough for easy shotgun range!!!(not cubs either)

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