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Legality of Back Garden Pigeon Shooting

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A very vague question but..............


I supose it really depends on where your back garden is situated, and what is at the bottom of it.......... and of course, what on earth you want to shoot them with.


A wood pigeon is an agricultural pest and can be taken legally enough on private property, but the legality of where it is taken, and what with are obvioulys the determining factors.


I am a fanatical pigeon shooter but personally like to see them in my garden, and even have a nesting pair at the momment.


I am under the impression that you perhaps have some sort of interest, although I am not certain. If you have, may I suggest that If you want to take pot shots at pigeons, it would probabyl be alot better if you got out there, knocked door and got yourself some permission. :wacko:


Paul in North Lincs

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My nearest neighbour is over half a mile away and I am surrounded by pastures and arable farm land.

I would not discharge a shotgun in my garden (although I would be more than 50ft from the centre of the nearest Public Right of Way).


I suspect you would have some difficulty on a safety, or noise nuisance issue, if someone complained.

Whether you are able to shoot pigeons under the Open Licence, when they are not damaging agricultural crops, is another terribly grey area.


"When in doubt, do nowt".

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i shoot magpies and crows in my mother-in-laws back garden with an air rifle.i informed her neighbours that i would be doing so and had no complaints once i explained the damage they do to song bird nests and young.she lives on a posh estate and has a large pond which draws them like a magnet.all shots are fired downwards from an upstairs window at no more than twenty yards from the house.

pigeons use the pond heavily in the summer to drink from and i agree with highlander,they are great to watch rather than shoot.

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