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Just For Foxing

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It depends. If you plan on dropping one fox for each shot you make then go mad and get the best - a box of 20 rounds ought to last you a long time.


Winchester ballistic silvertips are the nuts, are in good regular supply and group like nothing else out of a packet.


I hate zeroing and can't be ***** with all the nancy setting up malarky - it's just dead time to me. So I went for one round, zero'd in and have left it. I stock piled these Winchesters before the last ammo price hike so couldn't tell you what they retail at now. It does get painful though if you fancy a few rounds at rabbits or down the range.


As MC said, welcome to the world of center fire and throwing 50p and £1 coins down the range / field with each bang.

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It depends. If you plan on dropping one fox for each shot you make then go mad and get the best - a box of 20 rounds ought to last you a long time.


Winchester ballistic silvertips are the nuts, are in good regular supply and group like nothing else out of a packet.


I hate zeroing and can't be ***** with all the nancy setting up malarky - it's just dead time to me. So I went for one round, zero'd in and have left it. I stock piled these Winchesters before the last ammo price hike so couldn't tell you what they retail at now. It does get painful though if you fancy a few rounds at rabbits or down the range.


As MC said, welcome to the world of center fire and throwing 50p and £1 coins down the range / field with each bang.


fort you was a breef mungler in whitch kase arfter reeding my fred you wood enclured kaliber.






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Firstly, from considering the text of your last post it appears that a wild baboon has trampled over your keyboard :hmm:


Secondly, if you had clicked on the Winchester link I put up you would see it was for a 55 gr round for a .223


The only round for foxing is .223, because...... whilst there are plenty who will say that the .22 hornet is the best or that the .222 is or .22-250, however, they like to home load and paw over ballistics programs and tables forever and a day. With due respect, I don't think many of them are married or with girlfriends :)


.223 does what it says on the tin, your FAO will understand it and give you one (oooeeerrrr) and you will get your land cleared for it. Also, the selection of rifles and ammo is vast and more "cost effective" than the alternatives.

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The whole sentance reads:


The only round for foxing is .223, because...... whilst there are plenty who will say that the .22 hornet is the best or that the .222 is or .22-250, however, they like to home load and paw over ballistics programs and tables forever and a day



The key word to the construction of the sentance is "however".


Plumb for a .223 and you don't need home brew home loads, there's something off the shelf for everyone.

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I would say for a cheap factory gun and load then get a CZ 527 in either .222 or .223 as from what i've seen so far these guns will throw Prvi's down range out to around 200yds reasonably accurately... when I say reasonably I mean around 1.5" groups at 100yds


Prvi's are £6/£8 in respective calibres :hmm:


I use Rem Accutips in my .222 and they are now £21 a box so just over £1 a shot :)

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I went the .223 route however plz check the twist rate prior a lot of dealers dont state it and its gonna make a diffo, mine is 8 and likes a heavy round as in 55 grain plus just now I am on Hornady 75's and they group luvalee and around £1 a pop :hmm:

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My budget is £1000 so after much soul searching down the pub I have sort of settled on a CZ527 @ £700 new leaving me with enough change to buy a quality moderator that can be used on larger calibres later on.



But thats going to be another thread :/






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LB, I too have reservations about 2nd hand rifles and barrels, but if you find a minter and one that is provable go for it because you will have enough wonga for a complete set up - there are plenty of rifles out there where the firearms ticket shows the gun being bought new, an initial purchase of ammo and then later on the owner sells both gun and remainder of ammo - hey presto a brand new gun for second hand money.


Decent 2nd hand moderator - I would go for a PES for £100 : say £150 to allow for screwcut as well

Decent 2nd hand scope - I would go for a 8x56 S&B scope for £300

Sports match rings and mounts - £30

.223 boresnake (actually it will sort a .22RF as well) £20

Leaves £500 for a 2nd hand decent .223 CZ and some ammo


Job done.

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223 or 222 are not noted for burning out barrels, if i was as stingy as you i would look for a good 2nd hand tikka or cz cost you about 400 notes get someone to give it a quick once over,agree if it does not shoot take it back.

get a meopta 7x50 or similar about £200 2nd hand and a brand spanking wildcat mod.spend the rest on beer and ammo.

if you want new i would go for a howa screwcut with a mod about £650 gives you plenty of change for scope ammo beer etc,it will have the same effect on foxes as a cz for a fair bit less dosh, have a look at the browning a bolt as well (if they are available in 223).

happy spending

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