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Flea Infestation


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Can anyone help me, i have a problem involving fleas. My girlfriends dog has them and no matter what i do i cant get rid of them. :good: I have tried flea shampoos, powders, and even collars. the only thing that worked was the collar which was effective for about a week, then low and behold they returned. I dont really want the expense of vet bills so if anyone knows of the 'magic cure' please let me know. The dog is a five year old black labrador bitch.


Sam :yes:

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Front line used as per the instructions and without fail, coupled with hoovering like you wouldn't believe.


They reckon the best thing to do over fleas is the vacuum cleaner.


I also understand that fleas survive the heat of machine washing, they have a nifty way of shutting down the duration. They reckon you "leave" the dogs baskets, clothes and bedding for a few days and starve the blighters. Do this with hoovering to mop up any eggs.

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You need to treat all areas where the dogs go i.e living room, hallway, ect, carpets, settee ect that is if they live indoors, and wash all bedding. If it is really bad then get a fogger/gas and get all pets ect out of the house and spray from top to bottom, and go out for the morning or day don,t let the animals back in the house untill you have aired it, I had this problem many years ago and it cleared them. good luck.

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I use frontline combo spot on every 8 weeks and Merlin has never had fleas and hasn't had a tick last more than a few hours. You will need to renew all the dogs bedding and treat his sleeping area etc.


Frontline may be expensive but is superb and does exactly what it says on the packet.

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Frontline is the way forward. It's worth every penny.


If it is really bad in the house, consider using flea bobs or sprays on the carpets, sofas, curtains, anything soft where the little ****s lay eggs.


Be careful though, the eggs can lay dormant for a while (30 days I think) and then hatch out when you least expect it, so you may need to do it twice. Just remember to keep hoovering and spraying. This should get on top of it.


Collars are rubbish and a gimmick. Just head to Pets At Home and get Frontline for all three of them.

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Front line here as well. only thing is that you need to keep the dog dry for at least 24hrs or you will wash some of the stuff off. because of this i use the frontline spray as well. it is not cheap at £70 a 1/2ltr but changing bedding and all the hoovering is a pain in the ****


i order all medicines from pet-meds and the spray is a prescription item that i get local ( i dont pay £70;) )



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i would try Benzyl Benzoate available from the chemist.if the fleas,mites,eggs are burried under the skin this will kill them.


I have got benzyl to treat a horse with sweet itch, will try that first but it looks like frontline is the way to go. Cheers chaps,


Sam. :look:

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Stronghold is the other option but its prescription only one dose a month does fleas mites and roundworms as well :look:


My thoughts on the frontline spray are that if you have to drench the dog in it it can't be that effective, that and keeping them away from fires etc incase they catch fire is enough to put me off :look:

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Try and get your hands on tictoll or tactoll its very hard to get here in Ireland now usually got in animal health stores have a look for it cause its the best stuff ive ever used. It might actually be gone off the market but i'm not sure.

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