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A Couple of Recent Trips out


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Since Uni finished a few weeks ago ive had the chance finally to do a bit of shooting, with Sussexlad, Skippy and RabbitBasher from the forum we have done a few Lamping outings and a Pigeon shooting Outing.


Outing 1:


This was with all 4 of us at one of my pieces of land, a good few bunnies, 3 fox cubs.


Fox number one was picked up a few hundred yards away, we had a quick drive to a less challenging range, by this time it had moved down the hill to a dung heap, a quick snap shot @ about 100 yards by sussexlad opened the books.


We carried on bagging a few bunnies as the evening went on, Skippys HMR Quad getting put to good use.


Fox number 2 was a real pain, back on the dung heap we picked it up again a few hundred yards away, but this time the fox wouldn't move, but was sat right ontop of the heap with no backstop. No end of Calling, yelling, lamping, not lamping, iphone predator calls worked. Brian resulted to some of his very fragrant horse hoof bait. That seemed to do the trick. fox number 2 @ about 50 yards.


Fox number 3 was shot as we came around a corner and spotted some eyes in a rut. This time it was Rabbit Basher who got the shot, putting an HMR round between the eyes @ about 30 yards.... not 300.... sorry to disappoint.


The end piccy:



Outing number 2:


This time just a Dusk shoot on my own after fox.


Setting up about 2hrs before dark in my chosen field.


I entertained myself watch the local Black Rabbit (possibly family of them), which to my amazement i have been watching for at least 1 year. How it isnt dead yet im not sure.


This shot does make my crosshairs look very drunk.



About 1 hr in i heard something walk behind me, slowly turning around to see a fox giving it legs. I attempted to run ahead of it to cut it off in a gap between woods, but he beat me, and crossed the field about 150 yards ahead. Once i had got a bead on him he was under the fence and gone.

About 15 mins later when sitting down, fox number 2 makes an appearance, this time at about 300 yards, he then proceeds to run across a nice safe field and then stop infront of a wood about 500yards away which has a caravan park inside it. Both out of range and unsafe. He seems suitably disinterested in my attempts to call him in.


Fox number 3, fox number 3 transpires to actually be fox number 1 (very unique colour coat for foxes on this land), emerging where he had disappeared over the fence 40mins ago, about 230-250 yards away at the bottom of the valley. I move the sticks around, give him a call, he stands still and i place the shot on his chest.... or so i thought. Once i collected the fox it looks like my shot landed high, clipping his lower jaw/neck sending the bullet down inside his body. Leaving him with a large entry wound (he went down without a twitch). Im pretty sure this is because despite the range my position was quite elevated on the side of the valley, so drop is less noticeable.




Outing 3:


Having watched masses of woodies on my permission, me sussexlad and skippy arranged to try some decoying the following Monday. As it turned out the woodies were 'not for turning' or decoying, they were clearly in a hurry to go somewhere. So we resorted to shooting the flight lines. Working either-side of the flight-line. It was pretty difficult shooting, but very entertaining, between us we probably shot 25-30, however managed to pick up just over half of these as the crop was so long. I forgot to take a photo of this.


The second half the day saw me, Skippy and Rabbit Basher head to a piece of permission we share to shoot some bunnies. Getting the go-ahead to shoot the land until later than normal as long as we avoided the farm house made for an entertaining and painful evening of driving up and down cattle scared tracks. Bumpy does not come close to describing them. Never the less we cracked on and finished on 16 or 17 rabbits for a few hours. A few having been .223'd because the foxes were not playing ball. Meant we ended up with about 15 rabbits worth keeping.





Photo to come when Skippy Provides it!.......... Hint Hint... Cough Cough....





Thats The last 2 weeks pretty much. I cant wait for the crop to be cut. My land feels so small at the moment! Then the proper lamping can begin!

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Nice write up and good shooting :hmm:


These cattle tracks.. were they constant humps of earth? we have several tracks that our dairy heard have made, they all tend to put their feet in the same spot each time and you end up with the worst track ever! I have to go over them in the tractor in near enough bottom gear :yes:

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