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Perhaps a poor breeding season for pigeons so far.


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I have shot well over 100 pigeons over the past few days and was surprised how few recent young birds were bagged. There were about 12 youngsters that were over 3 months old , but none without ring necks ( under three months old ). Last year I had loads of young birds at this time of year

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Might be due to the excellent weather we had earlier in the year. They've already had at least 1 brood so this 'harvest' brood is likely to be a bit later. Come the winter when they all flock up I'm willing to bet there'll be more than ever!




I have noticed actually that even the young birds this year are absolutely huge! :yes: I don't know if it's just where I am, but they seem like there on steroids :good:


There have been very few fully growen birds lately!





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I have been shooting young pigeons since Spring and I was thinking there were far more than usual.

Although the last few years seem to have been about the same.

We no longer have hard winters and all the time there is a good food source the birds seem to be breeding.

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We picked up 228 woodies today from 3 guns (1 gun had 141) shooting over standing wheat and a barley stubble. I made note of all the young birds when I was packing them in the chiller. There were 41 birds with no neck markings on and a few of them were very fresh off the nest!



Running total for this summer - 778 woodies.



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we have got lots of young birds on our farm and they are flying round in large groups at the moment but they are quite dum and we can drop quite a few out of the groups because they keep circling round all the time.



Each year we have seen more and more birds and this year is no different.

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