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Had word yesterday evening that the combine had been at the rape which surrounds our Pheasant syndicate.... Myself and Stealth Stalker didn't need to be reminded twice that it was prime time for some predator control with lamp 'N rifle...


The only problem...? I'd agreed to see the girlfriend for the evening :yes: - After some careful grovelling, I made the joking suggestion she should join us for the night... she wasn’t overly keen after a late one the night before, but as I PROMISED we'd be finished by 23:00hrs at the latest she agreed.


We pulled up in the 4x4 just outside one of the release pens, and began sitting and waiting - whilst foxy sounding tones blared out of the CD player... a quick flash of the lamp and there we're eyes looking back at us in the fading light.... 6 eyes infact! A muntjac Doe, Buck and Fawn in tow - very happy to see that, we shouldn't be short of venison stew come the cold winter shoot days :good:


Whilst sitting and waiting, SS was up the high seat deep into the wood.... the light faded to the point where he could no longer safely see or shoot and he alighted to meet us back at the truck.


With the initial "what on earth do you look like" comments from the Mrs regarding SS's choice of cammo nutter headgear and facemask we began to hatch a plan for the rest of the evening... Sadly it was evident that the freshly combined rape field was already being ploughed!!! - So we decided to pop a mile up the road to another field we have permission on to see what was about..


We pulled into the stubble field, with me driving with the rifle at my side, SS on the lamp from the removable roof and the girlfriend sat in the passenger seat.




Eyes a good 250 yards in the middle of the field.. the bolt was slid forward on the 223 and we began calling.... luckily foxy obliged and trotted in to around 150 yards - I leant over and said "here we go..." When suddenly he started to run right handed on us :lol: - I couldn’t move the truck or risk banging around to get out, so I handed SS my 223 and suggested he take it off the top of the roof..


I took over calling and got her in to around 100 yards.... Squeeeeze BOOM. One vixen in the bag (in the photo) - Well done SS, 1st time he's used my rifle and a good headshot at 110yards stopped her dead in her tracks.


We then moved back down the road to the farm surrounding our syndicate to check on the ploughs progress… RESULT! He’d finished and cleared off for the night….


We pulled in.. this time I was in the back with the rifle, SS was driving – and low and behold the VERY excited Mrs was now on the lamp, under expert instruction of SS in the art of lamping and calling foxes…. Within a minute the tale tale signs of Basil were spotted lying face down in the stubble… no amount of calling could get him to raise his head – I squeezed a shot off and we heard the usual “thud”…. Sadly we couldn’t find it… maybe I missed, we will never know


Anyway… we headed off to the other side of the field… when there was a call of “Stop.. I just saw something” from the passenger seat… Neither SS or I had seen a dicke bird when a fox broke cover to the call.. I didn’t need be asked twice and the 2nd fox was in the bag from around 50 yards.


All in all a great night with two foxes picked and maybe a third, or maybe now educated :S


She’s already asking me when can we go again!!! And when I replied how does Wednesday sound? She cancelled her night out with friends to join us!


One more of us.. one less of them perhaps… ?


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Becareful getting your missis into shooting. Mine has started coming out with me and is now keener than me to go, even in the rain! no peace now I'm doomed. My only hope is she doesn't get better than me or thats it I'm screwed lol. Good night out by the look of it and a good write up :good:

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Well done Mrs Gary :yes:

Good to see the other girl out.

Sweepy imformed me today that i will be his lamping driver this saturday coming.

You think he would know better then to ask me .

I have trouble driving during daylight.

Let alone at night with the lights off.

Just hope A+E not to busy that night. :good:

Think i will go book my seat now.


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I had my missus out with me lamping rabbits, she did not really want to it but still came, when I found the first one to shoot I passed her the spotlight an got her to shine in on the bunny as I was about to shoot I told her "loud bang to come" suddenly light went all over the place I asked what the hell was going on she said to me she had just closed her eyes so she didnt see the bunny get shot, I had to laugh, I did get the bunny and a lot more but out of respect I dont ask her anymore lol :

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Top man, but be careful. I once suggested to my Mrs that she should go with me to play golf. Created a monster !!! :hmm::hmm:


Recipe for disaster. Lorraine has now got better rifles than I have and when we go out lamping it normally ends up with me driving and lamping............. and her doing the shooting. She's devastating on rabbits and hares with her HMR out to 160 yards and her furthest fox with her .223 is 217 yards.


On the up side she normally does the gutting, skinning and butchering, including gralloching, skinning and jointing deer.


I get to shoot now and again if I'm lucky.

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