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Gut them when shot do not leave specially in hot weather.

When home make a noose place rabbit head in Noose then separate skin from central body using your fingers. Wwork your fingers around to the spine either side then cut skin with knife. Get a pair of peuning cutters and cut feet off front and back at the first joint from the toes.

De glove the rear of the rabbit then snip tail off and cut betweent back legs and clean out the anal area.

place rabbit back legs through noose and de glove the front over it head and cut off head.

this way is not good for keeping the whole pelt but is a quick way of doing it about 3 minutes per rabbit .

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Quick Method:


Cut Feet off.


Pinch the skin on the rabbits lower back; then cut into the skin.


With the two folds - pull!. (towards head and tail)


Help the legs out of the skin


Cut head off.


Easy, it's not pretty and you waste the meat, but you can have it skinned within 20 seconds using this method.

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There are loads of YouTube videos on skinning. A great tip if you don't want to skin them straight away and also don't want to get covered in guts (as you can't leave the guts in for long, as it might taint the meat) slice the belly open, exposing the innards. Hold the rabbit's hind legs in one hand and its neck/head in the other. Now, almost like a downward golf swing, flick the rabbit and all the innards will part with the rabbit, leaving you with a gutless bunny which still contains the heart and kidneys!


Now you can slice the gap between the Achilles tendon and bone, feed the other leg through the slice and hang them over a walking stick or whatever so you can carry them. You'll be amazed how many more you can lift when they're minus the guts!


Hope this tip helps. I woud post a video of skinning for you, but I'm sending this post off my iPhone and it's too much hassle!

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Go to YouTube and have a look at: 'The best way to skin of a rabbit' (that's the real wording!) by 99999000000. He is so quick, and clean, and all done with a penknife.


ALSO I use those thin rubber gloves. Keeps the blood from getting under your finger nails, you don't smell of rabbit and it makes you more socially acceptable.


Good luck with it.


Or you could cook it with the fur on. Did you think of that?





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