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Local Police caught gassing handcuffed man


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Handcuffed from behind, sprawled over the bonnet of a car, legs zippy tied and a copper leaning on him?


Explain the danger to me again? Also explain why he needed gassing and not shoving in a van and off to the cells?


You just can't bring yourself to say the copper was out of order? Not even a teensy bit out of order? Nah, just can't do it......


Lets wait and see what the IPCC say eh? I'll have a fiver on them being a bit more objective on it - but hey, they are the nasty Guardian reading liberal idiots that have to police the police and as such are always wrong and do gooding ******* because they don't know *the job*. I don't know *the job* but I know the police should be subject to the same laws as anyone else.

Edited by Mungler
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Handcuffed from behind, sprawled over the bonnet of a car, legs zippy tied and a copper leaning on him?


Explain the danger to me again? Also explain why he needed gassing and not shoving in a van and off to the cells?


You just can't bring yourself to say the copper was out of order? Not even a teensy bit out of order? Nah, just can't do it......


Lets wait and see what the IPCC say eh? I'll have a fiver on them being a bit more objective on it - but hey, they are the nasty Guardian reading liberal idiots that have to police the police and as such are always wrong and do gooding ******* because they don't know *the job*. I don't know *the job* but I know the police should be subject to the same laws as anyone else.


for fun :good:

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Handcuffed from behind, sprawled over the bonnet of a car, legs zippy tied and a copper leaning on him?


Explain the danger to me again? Also explain why he needed gassing and not shoving in a van and off to the cells?


You just can't bring yourself to say the copper was out of order? Not even a teensy bit out of order? Nah, just can't do it......


Looks like his legs were tied up after being sprayed to me.


The dangers would have been from a backwards headbutt, kick in the nuts, stamping, if he turned round then a face full of bloody spit that you could catch all manner or contagious disease from, a knee in the balls and more headbutts at that close range.


Can you see a police van in the video at the scene before they spray him? I cant. There was a fire engine with flashing lights in the background but no van.


I will not say the copper was out of order because I dont know the full details.

You however are showing your ignorance and jumping to conclusions based on you limited experience and huge police knowledge because you have probably watched The Bill a few times and the odd episode of Traffic Cops.




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Just because someone is handcuffed it does not mean they are not a danger or that you can not use force on them.

I have been punched, kicked, headbutted, stamped on, spat on and bitted by handcuffed people.

As a result of the spitting I had to have 12 months of blood tests for Hep C.

A friend of mine recently had his nose broken by a handcuffed person and someone else I know was kicked in the face by someone who was handcuffed and being put in the van. Another mate lost his front teeth from a handcuffed person headbutting him.


The lady from Liberty is talking C R A P.

She says that CS spray should only be used in the last resort........WRONG.

Shooting him would have been the last resort.

Setting a dog on him, punching him, battoning him would all have been worse and had lasting effects.

20 minutes after being sprayed the effects would have worn off and and he would have no lasting injuries....from that at least.


In my opinion the bloke looks like he was struggling and resisting. If the CS spray stopped him and the officers getting hurt then it was the right choice.



Mungler...how often do you deal with people like that and what approach do you take when dealing with them?


I agree with everthing you have said mate. The footage did look bad and I think the officer went ott however, CS spray is NOT designed to be used as a last resort as some people seem to think. It is used to gain compliance without putting yourself or others at risk.

Too many people are quick to judge others actions yet they have never been in a situation where their safety is at risk, because some fool can't control themselves.



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Like all of these type of episodes,the only thing the cop did wrong in the eyes of other cop's is he got caught on camera doing it.


Assault law's don't apply to police,especially when confronted by a trussed up,heavily bleeding man who is only being pinned face down by 2 policemen.Thank heavens they had some gas on them or anything could have happened :good:

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Why is the response always "you don't deal with people like this etc".


No I don't, you do. It's your job and the one you chose. No one forced you into your job? Seriously, what did you think it would be like?


Any policeman that can't take the pressue of a strained situation like that, despite their training, shouldn't be wearing that uniform.


Well, it's in the national news and the IPCC so lets see what happens and who was right and who was wrong.

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Why is the response always "you don't deal with people like this etc".


Because it's true. If you think you could do a better job stop being a keyboard warrior and try to join the specials. Maybe you could give some of your spare time and put it to good use by showing all the experienced police officers where we are going wrong.



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Because it's true. If you think you could do a better job stop being a keyboard warrior and try to join the specials. Maybe you could give some of your spare time and put it to good use by showing all the experienced police officers where we are going wrong.





What you are saying is that because the police have to roll around with drunks and idiots, then when they (the police) lose it and assault a cuffed man we should turn a blind eye to it, because the police have to roll around with drunks and idiots.


As above, anyone who joins the police chose to do so and in the full knowledge that they would be rolling around with drunks and idiots.


I am not cut out for the police because I freely admit and know that I wouldn't have the restraint required to do the job.

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Because it's true. If you think you could do a better job stop being a keyboard warrior and try to join the specials. Maybe you could give some of your spare time and put it to good use by showing all the experienced police officers where we are going wrong.






You are banging your head against a brick wall, everytime a Police Action is in the news the usual suspects appear and spout their guilty untill proved innocent comments, I swore I wouldn't get involved in the arguements anymore because they will not listen to a reasoned debate, I tried the "lets wait for the result of the enquiry line", but it does not placate them the have a blinkered view of the Police and nothing will change their minds, you only have to look back at the previous topics to see the same names spouting the same old lines every time.


We have thousanbds of Police in the UK broken down roughly their are Roughly as follows -


140,000 England & Wales


17,000 Scotland


9,000 Northern Ireland


2,700 British Transport Police


15,000 Special Constables (Govt Target - 20,000)


16,000 Police Community Support Officers (Govt Target - 24,000)


There are also 3,500 MoD Police and nearly 700 Civil Nuclear Constabulary Officers


so with that number of men on the street dealing with the daily actions of some of the most violent and obnoxious drunks found anywhere in the world you are bound to get incidents, dont forget Police Officers are human and are drawn from the society we live in, so you have a cross section of society in the job, so you are bound to get Idiots amongst them, and I know I have worked with a few, but it does not justify the sentiment being forwarded by some on this forum who take every opportunity to slag all Police Officers, we are blessed in this country with a system which is by far better than most in the world, their are numerous organisations ready to jump on the back of any officer who steps out of line, the political correctness lobby is more of a threat to the civil liberty of this country than the Police.


I have said my bit.





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Frank it's a debate. Over time we have had on here debates on:


1. Jean Charles de Menezes

2. the G20 riots (Ian Tomlinson etc).

3. the Nottingham taser incident

4. the Brentwood CS gas incident


Not on any occasion has any of the serving officers that post on here *ever* said "that looks like it was out of order". There is a party line and it appears that regardless, it will be towed no matter what - that does worry me.


Every one of these debates eventually boils down to:


1. we have to roll around with idiots and drunks

2. he was probably gobbing off / shouldn't have been there etc and so he deserved it

3. you don't do the job and so don't know (keyboard warrior etc)


I think that's a fair summary.


Incidentally, if you back over the old threads, the IPCC has since made findings and reports, so the waiting is over in this regard.

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Wrong actually.


It is a tin of nasty stuff not a firearm.


It is however covered under section 5 of the firearm act.

A firearm is a lethal barelled weapon capable of discharging a snot, missile, bullet blah blah blah......



That's disgusting, being shot at with a 'snot' !
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Not on any occasion has any of the serving officers that post on here *ever* said "that looks like it was out of order". There is a party line and it appears that regardless, it will be towed no matter what - that does worry me.


Every one of these debates eventually boils down to:


1. we have to roll around with idiots and drunks

2. he was probably gobbing off / shouldn't have been there etc and so he deserved it

3. you don't do the job and so don't know (keyboard warrior etc)


I think that's a fair summary.



You are wrong. I said that it looks as though he has gone over the top yet as per usual the same old people try to paint a bad picture of ALL police officer because of one incident!

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I think this was over the top however, the officer sprayed the CS near to his face and not directly in it, as you suggest.



What you actually wrote is written above.


The "over the top" bit is rather watered down by your continuing on to say that it was sprayed "near" to his face and not directly in it. Interestingly, you must have seen a different video clip from me B)


I ain't tarnishing all the police with the same bully boy brush. But I would tarnish the majority with an inability to see any fault in their colleagues actions no matter how blatently out of order [end of, and not watered down - just plain old out of order, no ifs or buts].

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I would tarnish the majority with an inability to see any fault in their colleagues actions no matter how blatently out of order [end of, and not watered down - just plain old out of order, no ifs or buts].


cant really blame them considering how much criticism and **** they get every day i suppose B)

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cant really blame them considering how much criticism and **** they get every day i suppose :innocent:


Having given that some thought, I think I would concede the point you make - it would be a natural consequence of a "them and us" division between the police and the rest of the Country.

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Having given that some thought, I think I would concede the point you make - it would be a natural consequence of a "them and us" division between the police and the rest of the Country.




ps im not sticking up for them its just an observation - after the stunt they pulled with me on tuesday you dont want to know my opinion on them :innocent:

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