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London Bombings

old rooster

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Terrible news just breaking about multiple bombings in London this morning. Mr. Liar is giving a speech at midday from the G8 summit, what's the betting that he uses this tragedy as a chance to bullsh*t us about the validity of his identity card farce. No way it will make any difference to a country that doesn't even have a clue about the number of illegal immigrants wandering around within it's borders.


If we want improved security we need more border control, stringent rules to allow the detention and deportation of suspected terrorists and a more realistic approach to the whole immigration system. Can we expect it under this government, I'm waiting to see the next set of pink pigs flying over my house, I think it will all get sorted just after that.

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The police said there have been six blasts across London. One on a bus and the rest on the London underground although the Channel 5 news said there are reports of additional blasts. Two people are confirmed dead but thats likely to rise.


The government will use this event to their advantage in breeding a climate of fear among the public. In doing so it is in the governments advantage to breed a climate of fear because the public are prepared to sacrifice a great deal of their freedom and privacy for a perceived greater level of security. More legislation in the form of the National ID card bill will do little but ease the minds of the public meanwhile allowing the government to excerise more control through the back door. Just like the Terrorism Act, it allows arrest without trial which surely has no place in a democratic society.


In breeding a climate of fear and taking away freedoms and privacy is exactly what terrorism tries to achieve.


Anyway, these are just my opinions.



BBC News - London Blasts link

Edited by The_Craws
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Speaking from N. Ireland.


I will speak carefully but as someone who has grown up in a country of bombs and shooting there are three things I would say:

- My heart goes out to those people injured and to families who have lost love ones, they will never get over this.

- The word terrorist come from the word Terror to strike terror into a community. I can tell you from personal experience, it does.


- The terrorist act isn't perfect but nither is terrorism. What I do know is that it is the innocent person who is the victim and they alway have their rights innored, but rarely is there anyone really fighting their case.


In memory of all the innocent live lost in NI

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I am sick and tired of people tryiing to blow my country up.


What is more I am sick and tired of politicians using these incidents to pedal out a cliched diatribe which promotes their party policies.


******** to it all.


People have died and will continue to die for no reason. This has not and will never acomplish anything. SO WHY DO IT???


Sorry but I cannot understand this at all.

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Guest Mr Pieman

******, the fear, ****** the politicians and ****** the rhetoric - Lady Pieman went to work in London (as she does every day) this morning and I haven't been able to contact her yet. I hope she is OK :lol:



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Speaking from N. Ireland.


I will speak carefully but as someone who has grown up in a country of bombs and shooting there are three things I would say:

- My heart goes out to those people injured and to families who have lost love ones, they will never get over this.

- The word terrorist come from the word Terror to strike terror into a community. I can tell you from personal experience, it does.


- The terrorist act isn't perfect but nither is terrorism. What I do know is that it is the innocent person who is the victim and they alway have their rights innored, but rarely is there anyone really fighting their case.


In memory of all the innocent live lost in NI

Not to make light of your post Big Dog ,but please dont forget the innocent lives lost in the UK either "TOO MANY " ,a lot of us are touched also .


as to the mindless scum who thrive on it ,i hope they rot in hell .





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Lady Pieman went to work in London (as she does every day) this morning and I haven't been able to contact her yet. I hope she is OK

Hope all is ok.


The mobile phone networks can be put down because the terrorists use mobiles to detonate bombs. Various transmitters are disabled. So anyone trying to use the networks will be unable to contact people. Worrying as it is this can save lives in the long run.

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know how you feel my son lives and works in London finally got through to him at 2pm what a bloody relief.

you always feel for those people that are involved but the relief when you find out your own are ok goes beyond belief.



Hope you manage to contact her soon mate.

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The mobile phone networks can be put down because the terrorists use mobiles to detonate bombs. Various transmitters are disabled. So anyone trying to use the networks will be unable to contact people. Worrying as it is this can save lives in the long run.

Didn't mean that to sound patronising, sorry.


I am still trying to contact my sister so I can relate to how you feel.

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It's about time we toughened up on the bast*rds !!!!, public execution should be the penalty for terrorism IMHO. So it makes martyrs, there are only so many zealots that will step up to the mark if we show them we mean business for once.


Sincerely hope that all of you who have friends and family away in London hear soon that they are safe and well, trouble is that won't apply to everybody so some families will have a lot of grief to stand, others will have to adjust to looking after maimed family members.


It's a ****ty world we live in I'm afraid.

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anyone wiv friends or relatives down there hope they ok :lol:


one of my sons and one of my daughters go down there regular thank god not today!


murdering cowardly buckin fastards :<



and another thing, fill that bloody channel tunnel up wiv concrete, were not an island anymore :<

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and another thing, fill that bloody channel tunnel up wiv concrete, were not an island anymore :<

No need to mate, just need to get some PROPER checks of vehicles and trains coming in. Shouldn't be that difficult for anyone who had a real will to sort the problem, wouldn't be politically correct though would it.

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what i want to know, is what they intend to do if they do catch any terroists


from what ive seen, they dont do ****** all, just go shake their hands and ask them politely not to do it again.


for example, we catch sadam, we lock him up and feed him, well that was really worth searching a country for, some man down a hole


this country and every other country needs to stop messing around about these things, we need to take clear decisive action against them, not try and befriend them, like someone said earlier, i think death penalty would be a good idea, not just locking them up and charging them like those guys that were caught on the aeroplane with the shoe bombs, if they are willing to kill others, we should be willing to kill them to try and discourage others


again my best wishes to anyone missing relations

Edited by dunganick
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Just picked this up from another forum :-

My Mrs has just phoned me from work, she manages a shop.


Anyway, a police officer customer of hers has just come in and she got chatting - apparently the Asian Muslim youth have been taunting the local officers in the North of Brum, they have been coming out of their homes, jumping up and down shouting Al' Quieda Al' Quieda!

CAN YOU ****** BELIVE THESE RAG HEAD SCUM :< :< :< :< :<

When i heard the news today at first i felt shocked that this could happen in our own country then sick to the bottom of my stomach and now i am so angry , i am physically shaking .

Oh what i woul give for one of those f*&kers to turn up at my front door now!

Justice would be a sweet ,sweet thing today!!!!!

Lets see if they can finish what they have started. :lol:

I make no apologies for my feelings .

I am BRITISH and i take this to heart this is my home!!

My deepest symathies to all those involved.




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