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  1. Where abouts are you located?
  2. I have got 3 springer bitchs left, 8 weeks old on the 19th April. Dock and first vaccinations £1000. Not KC registered as I don’t want someone selling them on for the current prices they are going for. Gamekeeper bred reason for breeding was for myself and friends. Located near Alton, Hampshire
  3. I’m afraid £750 is quite steep for a second hand unit. They are only £566 brand new from sportsman’s
  4. This is my rifle. I can’t upload pictures at the moment for some reason, it keeps crashing the page.
  5. Have a look at the BBQ pit boys you tube page for smoking food
  6. Had a quote for a howa 24 inch varmint barrel and action and a GRS sporter varmint stock for £1000..... Bye bye Winnie me thinks! Bang a x-sight on top of that and it's starting to get pretty expensive haha, oh well can't take your money to the grave can you
  7. Underdog, no none of your questions are applicable, everything is all good with the rifle
  8. The action has been properly bedded. I had problems with the powder still being burnt after the bullet had left the barrel with V-N140 due to barrel length so moved to H335 and it seemed to do the trick. I have just found that howa do 1:12 24inch barrels so I'm now thinking about getting a howa action and barrel and dropping it into a grs stock. I don't really like the savage but it was the price that was attracting me to it.
  9. I can't fire 55gr bullets out of it though.
  10. I currently have a winchester model 70 in 22-250, it has a 16 inch barrel with a 1:14 twist. I have been loading 40gr VMAX with good results and 50gr blitzkings with excellent results, however, it is very hard for me to get these bullets and my rifle restricts me to no heavier that the 50gr bullets. Also accuracy is dramatically reduced at 250, I think due to the short barrel. Therefore I would like to do two things; 1) have a 20 inch barrel & 2) a faster twist, probably a 1:12 What are your thoughts on getting the winchester rebarreled? Or is it just worth getting a savage (the only rifles I have found that come in 1:12)
  11. Dog and a vixen tonight, 22-250 50gr Acutip. Total--707
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