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About birdsallpl

  • Birthday 30/08/1950

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    Crop Protection, Pigeon shooting, Wildfowling, Charnwood Crop Protection & Wildfowlers Club. ccpwc.simpl.com. Fly fishing, coarse fishing

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  1. I quite like mine but do agree with the problem with the leg adjustment problem. I have however now overcome that by using a tapered countersink tool and opening the hole slightly with the countersink. I can now get my podgy fingers to push it in far enough to allow adjustment. Be careful though don’t be too heavy handed with the countersink tool as you could knacker the leg. I know a few people that have now done this and are much happier with their seats.
  2. I can’t see anything like a date stamp but it does have 30” stamped, so it has a 30” barrel not 29” Appologies for that.
  3. I’m not sure. I bought it second hand about 5 years ago with the intention of Pigeon shooting, but have only put a couple of hundred carts through it.
  4. Hi ditchman, I recall the one about pigeons migrating out of the Uk to southern countries. But couldn't find one specifically about birds migrating in and staying here for the winter from northern countries. Probably the same outcome anyway.LOL
  5. Like most I guess, we have recently started to see flocks of wood pigeon in our area. My question is: Do you believe they are only the resident birds that are now beginning to flock and are moving onto the rape. Or do you believe they are birds that have migrated into the UK from colder climates looking for winter feed. I personally think that every year there are a lot of birds that migrate here and they are different to our resident birds in their behaviour etc. .I know that this has always been debated, but am interested if anyone has any firm knowledge or experience. Or even just personal views.
  6. Another culprit that will dig holes and you won't see them doing it at night are crows. 6" May be a bit big granted but they will dig substantial holes searching for grubs etc.
  7. OK I would call them scrapes. Probably rabbits then.
  8. Definitely not foxes at 6" even small for rabbits.
  9. Thank you Harnser and a very merry Chtistmas to you and yours. Have a good one Peter
  10. Approximately how big are the holes or are they more like scrapes?
  11. My wife writes a short letter / note in every card to the people we don't see from one year to the next. I believe it makes her feel that she is closer to them again just for that moment. They all also do likewise. So keeping in touch and bringing the families up to speed so to speak works for us.
  12. Lake Louise is probably the most lovely place I have ever been to. Stayed in the hotel with a lake view. Stunning.
  13. Almost all in my area had Mixie back in October. Haven't seen a rabbit for a few weeks now. Back in the summer they were almost plague proportions
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