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Yes, chum mixer imitations for carp on a fly rod surface fishing.


For one reason or another, I can't get to my 'local' fly fishery as often as I'd like. Never been interested in coarse fishing and didn't know you could take carp with the fly. My local water reservoir is just a mile away and is a coarse fishery with a stock of carp. It means I can exchange 2 hours travelling time for 13/4 hours of fishing so I'm going to give it a bash.


Any pointers would be welcome.

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Buy a big bag of cheap mixer type biscuits and a good catapult from a tackle shop, ESP particle pult. Go on a warm day when the carp are up in the water and cruising on the surface. Get up wind of the fish if you can and fire out a steady stream of mixers, (they should/can move up wind) until the carp are taking confidently and competing for the biscuits, then cast to the edge of the baited area and hang on! Takes can be explosive or gentle sips.


It is the most exciting form of carp fishing.


7-9wt rod/line, 6-12lb tippet. Grease the leader as with dry fly, but mud the last 6-10 inches so it breaks/sits in the surface film, alternatively tie in a foot of fluro. Take a good size landing net and an unhooking mat to lay the fish on (a simple one can be made from some foam in a bin liner if you haven't got one).


Darracott by any chance?








Let us know how you get on with some pictures if you can. I think that you may find it addictive.


For one reason or another, I can't get to my 'local' fly fishery as often as I'd like. Never been interested in coarse fishing and didn't know you could take carp with the fly. My local water reservoir is just a mile away and is a coarse fishery with a stock of carp. It means I can exchange 2 hours travelling time for 13/4 hours of fishing so I'm going to give it a bash.


Any pointers would be welcome.

Edited by Penelope
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Many thanks for the input, Guys.


It's Squabmoor Reservoir. The first time I fell in was before the middle of the last century so I know it well. Problem is, I've never looked at it from a fly fishing point of view. The vast majority of the surrounding land make it a no no but I figure there might be a couple of possibilities in one corner so the first job, as ever, is a recce'.

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This was Plan B - Plan A never got off the ground as the ponds were withdrawn from auction and the Devon Wildlife Trust were given time to raise the dosh, which they've now almost done, to buy, at an agreed figure, that which they'd previously leased.


Spoke to a couple of carp lads when I went up this morning - no problem as far as they were concerned - but here is one which they have on occasion - one of them had it earlier - and that is gulls. Within no time at all of anything being on the surface, the gulls arrive in numbers and start mopping it up and consequently any fishing method involving surface bait is utterly pointless.


So, that just leaves Plans C and D - the latter probably being the better option.

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Ah, yes, the wonderful Blacked Headed Gull! They even nail baits (boilies) in mid air fired from a catty or launched from a throwing stick.




This was Plan B - Plan A never got off the ground as the ponds were withdrawn from auction and the Devon Wildlife Trust were given time to raise the dosh, which they've now almost done, to buy, at an agreed figure, that which they'd previously leased.


Spoke to a couple of carp lads when I went up this morning - no problem as far as they were concerned - but here is one which they have on occasion - one of them had it earlier - and that is gulls. Within no time at all of anything being on the surface, the gulls arrive in numbers and start mopping it up and consequently any fishing method involving surface bait is utterly pointless.


So, that just leaves Plans C and D - the latter probably being the better option.

Edited by Penelope
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wymberley, any success with your carp on a fly rod exploits?

No, knocked it on the head for the reason given. Went to Plan C which involved me spending one Saturday afternoon trying to find a pond in the middle of an unkempt wood which I have permission to shoot but don't as it's virtually impenetrable. Finally found it but it was a no no - had been a header pool for a fountain in the estate formal grounds and as the Victorians didn't miss a trick it was stocked - came out looking like the proverbial hedge backwards. Now finally settled on Plan D which is bass in the estuary. This will take a back seat for the minute though as we're just a day or two from the harvest - for the first time in several years the pigeon numbers are building up nicely.

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I remember there being a day ticket fishery up near Crediton that had open banks that would lend itself to fluff flinging, it's been a while since I looked at it but I believe there were two or 3 ponds, terraced on a hill side. A friend used to live in Crediton a took me there for a walk round.


No, knocked it on the head for the reason given. Went to Plan C which involved me spending one Saturday afternoon trying to find a pond in the middle of an unkempt wood which I have permission to shoot but don't as it's virtually impenetrable. Finally found it but it was a no no - had been a header pool for a fountain in the estate formal grounds and as the Victorians didn't miss a trick it was stocked - came out looking like the proverbial hedge backwards. Now finally settled on Plan D which is bass in the estuary. This will take a back seat for the minute though as we're just a day or two from the harvest - for the first time in several years the pigeon numbers are building up nicely.

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