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  1. Oh, forgot to say. Having mine on Octopus Intelligent has my monthly ‘fuel’ costs at just under £19 plus the whole house benefits from 7.5p kWh and it’s more than halved my normal winter heating bills with our ASHP
  2. Love mine. Never had a problem charging en-route. Longest wait for a charger was under five mins. Would I go back to an ICE car? Nope, well certainly not at present and esp not during winter, when I’m able to go to work in a pre heated and de-iced car. Do chuckle at some of the negative comments.
  3. Why are we concentrating on NS being Military based only? NS could encompass all walks of the public sector as it does in other Countries!
  4. Agree. I have a major aversion to using what is meant to be the hard shoulder.
  5. Would love them, but as it’s not summer, won’t be visiting nearby Caister beach anytime soon.
  6. If you wish to sell the Cutts barrel separately then please let me know. I actually only need the Cutts for another project
  7. The guys at Spartan are fabulous and I can’t recommend them enough.
  8. Renewed mine last night. Paperwork for auto renewal came through at £966 ( up from £524 or so this year). Went back online with same details for same company and it’s £744 with enhanced courtesy car. Tried all the comparison sites which were coming up with over a grand. Still, I was sort of expecting worse due to make/model and fact it’s full ev. But I’m saving a shed load in running costs and it’s lowered my household leccy bill too for our heat pump and so the increase in premium has been covered by just one months savings on the house.
  9. If I’m not mistaken. PC members and Parish Councils, are now no longer able to register and ‘objection’, only to submit comments. As to a conflict of interest, had they received individual planning notices from the Planning department? If so, then yes it would be considered a ‘conflict’. Had they not been sent a Planning application notice then they are not required to lodge a conflict of interest statement as far as I’m aware?
  10. Am away at the moment and not sure when I’m over that way?
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