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  1. Voting Conservative will hand a huge majority to Labour and will be a continuation of the failing political system that has shafted working people for decades.
  2. 12gauge82


    Absolutely, it's been conflated quite intentionally, along with the tactic of shutting any conversation down around the genuine concerns over negative effects of migration by calling people racist. As the problems grow, it's having less effect and detracts from genuine issues with discrimination and racism.
  3. 12gauge82


    Who says it's being done overnight? We need to train our own high skilled work force, restart apprentiship schemes and reduce our relience on foreign labour. Which would create well paid jobs for the UK workforce and provide decent conditions for those that live here. As it stands, we're slowly eroding the country into the third world and it'll only get worse under the Tories and Labour. Labour wrecked the country and the Tories have allowed it to worsen/continue over the last 14 years.
  4. 12gauge82


    I don't believe that's correct. Farage is a straight shooter, watch him in the debates, its one thing that sets him apart from everyone else up there and he has a plan for everything, he had a straight no nonsense answer and plan for everything thrown at him. Everyone else waffles or gives answers completely unrelated to the question. Particularly on the elephant in the room no one else wants to discuss that is immigration.
  5. 12gauge82


    The Conservatives have been promising to lower migration for 14 years and have not delivered every time. I'm all for migration but not uncontrolled illegal migration as happens now. Our country is completely broken, we need radical change and that won't happen with Labour or Tories in charge.
  6. 12gauge82


    Reform has now overtaken the Conservatives in official polling. So a vote for the Conservatives is now a vote for Labour 😂
  7. I suspect it was quiet a complex case with the area he damaged also in a SSSI.
  8. I'm not so sure on that, for a start it's early days and I've seen reports with many locals up in arms about it. I think their local paper held a poll very recently and over 90% were against his actions.
  9. The thing is, people further down stream very likely won't thank him for his actions as it is likely to increase flow through the area he dredged, which will back up even more when it hits the next areas of the river that aren't as clear. Action like that needs to be coordinated by the government to ensure the entire system works.
  10. 12gauge82


    I think it's safe to say extremists are not wanted in the uk, whether that's left wing, right wing, islamist, animal rights (mostly left I know)ect. Infact I'd hope that's one thing most can agree on, no matter which side of a debate people are on.
  11. 12gauge82


    Its also msm who have propagated lies against him, giving a platform to those who accuse him of racism which leads to these sorts of violent actions.
  12. 12gauge82


    Absolutely agreed, like I said earlier, neither Labour or Conservatives can be trusted in government. If we want change we need a new party.
  13. 12gauge82


    Thing is labour got given another chance with new Labour and it went spectacularly wrong. Labour are the reason for many of the issues we face today. Unaffordable houses Illegal migration Wrecked economy Low skill low pay economy Overpopulation We need a new party!
  14. 12gauge82


    A very succinct point! And one I think alot of people are beginning to realise. Politics over at least the last 30 years has not served the average person at all. All this left right debate is often just a distraction from the issues that face normal working (and retired) people. The globalists call it populism, which is ironic, who would have thought people want to see a dramatic political shift that would favour the masses and not the illegals and super rich.
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