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Well i bought air gunner tonight and one of the products disscussed was something called Verm-Glow lol it stated that you add this liquid to some food that you pre-feed the quarry that you intend to shoot and a couple hours later when it is dark the quarry that has had it really dos glow in the dark so there is no need for lamps ext and that when AirGunner tested it it increased some bags by 104% :blink: what do you lot think of this?? will you try it when its released?? makes hunting at night a bit to easy if you ask me

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im not sure if i agree with that as it takes a lot of the craft needed to shoot with a lamp and how do they know that that animal snt allergic to it, but it would be funny to find out what other animals eat the bait when you see somebody walking there lumiscent lab down the street :blink: ;):D



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:lol::D:lol: :o :o ooooooooo **** I AM SOOO DUMB :sly: :thumbs: :blink: :P:P:P

You must have been in the parachute regiment..................................


Marines wouldnt fall for that.


Infantry,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Artillery,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you just cant be a tanky........



Ps, I can take out rabbits at 150 yds with my crossman ratcatcher.... :blink:

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:lol:  :D  :lol:  :o  :o ooooooooo **** I AM SOOO DUMB :sly:  :thumbs:  :blink:  :P  :P  :P

You must have been in the parachute regiment..................................


Marines wouldnt fall for that.


Infantry,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Artillery,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you just cant be a tanky........



Ps, I can take out rabbits at 150 yds with my crossman ratcatcher.... :blink:

har har har :P i was in the Royal Engineers as a combat engineer :) then was attached to other divisions for training

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took me a few visits to the forum to even pluck up the courage to have a look at this thread LOL absolute classic PML


ROB :lol:


ps you ever tried those pellets with the fold out wings?:blink:? :sly:

ADMIN or MOD can you please close thread before i stay purple forever :*) :*) :thumbs: :blink:

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:blink: Ok, youve gone up in my books......For one orrible moment I thought you were cannon fodder..........


At least you had a part of a brain on your shoulders.... :sly: :thumbs:


But, Im an ex scalley back.............Royal Signals, so who am I to talk.......your good with a spanner,,,,Im good with a radio............


you build bridges, I call in airstrikes to blow em up......

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took me a few visits to the forum to even pluck up the courage to have a look at this thread LOL absolute classic PML


ROB :blink:


ps you ever tried those pellets with the fold out wings?:thumbs:? :sly:

You must be on about the self dispensing sabot rounds...............


Heard someone is working on HEAT and HESH rounds for the .22 calibres aswell.

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One year on I still feel shame thinking about me scooping handfulls of carrot mash mixed with caraway seeds at the entrance to rabbit burrows.

All this thanks to an article in last years April edition .............................

Did it work..........did it work......:blink:?:blink:?? TELL TELL TELL :lol::D:lol::sly: :thumbs:

Edited by hawkeye
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Reminds me of a farmer friend who used to tell me that he couldn't understand all the fuss about the intricasies of shooting foxes. All this **** about high powered rifles and fox calls and so on.


When he was bothered by a fox all he used to do was to tether a chicken in the farmyard, and when it started to squawk at night he opened the back door and blasted the offending fox with both barrels of his trusty 12 bore. Losing a scraggy chicken didn't bother him.


Worked every time he said........


Seemed a very good idea to me, and I thought that I would give it a go sometime if I was desperate.


Some months later his wife told me that she was really p....ssed off as he had shot the neighbours burmese cat.....


She couldn't look her neighbour in the face, as hubby had promptly buried the cat, and told her not to tell anyone.......



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One year on I still feel shame thinking about me scooping handfulls of carrot mash mixed with caraway seeds at the entrance to rabbit burrows.

All this thanks to an article in last years April edition .............................

Did it work..........did it work......:blink:?:blink:?? TELL TELL TELL :lol::D:lol::sly: :thumbs:

Well it wasn't there when I went back again.

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What was their reasoning for putting this concoction outside their buries? :lol:


FM :)

It was an Aprils fool joke, and I fell for it!


(As a disclaimer can I point out that at that point I had never shot a rabbit and was desperate enough to try anything!

Ofcourse had I looked closer I would hae read the "B.Barti Foops article on a fool proof way of getting the bunnies" bit :*) "

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There was one a few years ago about putting your pellets into the micro-wave and it would make them laser guided or something like that. well im 15 now and was alot younger when this was in my airgun mag so i started putting the pellets into the micro-wave, just as my dad came in and i just heard this " what the hell are you doing " then he explained that it was an april fool :):lol:

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