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here iam

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Everything posted by here iam

  1. Get a land ranger map :blink: also use your nozzle and Knock on the farmers door
  2. Sorry to hear that fellow ask the tenant farmer who it is then then ask him
  3. No its not look for the bare patchs and short areas they will be still hitting it :look:
  4. Hi Moxey yep got mine but they are not on them yet another couple of inch
  5. :lol: :lol: :lol: a absolute classic i love it :lol: :lol:
  6. Its a fud Looks like one
  7. Got my stealth net on ebay loads on their pigeon shooting £25
  8. Hi Mate what do you think of the birchwood casey blue because some guys have said to stay clear of it because it comes of easy sorry to be negative i am just trying to find out whats best to do with my barrels and wether to let the gunsmith have it or try do them myself . You have done a nice job what make of gun is it? :(
  9. Nice job mate with being a tight yorkshire *** how much did all this cost you? was it cheaper than going to a gunsmith?
  10. Can you tell us where please might be worth alook cheers
  11. The birds are their its down to good field craft
  12. Well said best sense i have heard all day you are what you are if people do not like it tough
  13. Hello Mate when i used to go lamping i always told the landowners first so they new who was out and about Also you might be best just ringing the police telling them where you are then if any busy body rings them up they no your out their unfortunally now adays people with mobile phones are quick to drop you in it it also shows people you are responsiable and careful about what you are doing after one situition with a landowner going to ring police she ended asking me to sort her rabbits out people like to Know who is out their on their land.
  14. Did not Know billy conally shot pigeons see you Jimmy cracking shoot mate well done hopefully me one day
  15. Fantastic i can only dream about such days
  16. Good shooting mate thought i done well cos i had hit four and a daft magpie
  17. He is just trying to scare you of fella so he as it all for himself and is mates, if its worth keeping and you have written permission stick to your guns next time you see the farmer just tell him some sad ******* was swearing at you the other day for shooting is pests
  18. Your spot on mate could not of put it better myself excellant value
  19. Sold to Sinistercr0c pending usual
  20. Hello i have got 11 plastic feeding deeks and 7 standing up deeks with no pegs 18 in total do not want to post so face to face would be better looking for £30 for the lot . pm me if interested. cheers. l
  21. The big flocks are splitting up nice now in to smaller groups much the same as you
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