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Everything posted by radio1ham

  1. well i dont own a 17 hmr nor have i used one i guess its up to the person to whether as he/she can place the shot well enough to drop the fox i dare say if they are dropping rabbits out over 100 yards with clean kills then i guess a well placed shot from a 17 should pretty much drop the fox aswell i own a .22 rimmy and when out lamping i always carry some zapped up cci stingers 32grain buellet or 40 grain bullet going at about 1800fps is ample enough to do the fox at close range (40grain stingers not available in shop so i load my own just incase anyone is wondering where do i get cci stingers with 40 grain bullet) it also states on my cert .22 with sound mod for vermin and as far as im concerned fox where i shoot is vermin(the farmer calls them vermin aswell and tells me just to shoot the bloody things ) tho i must admit most the foxes i have bagged have been done with the 12guage and sg shot and AAA`s so at the end of the day i guess its up to the individual whether to shot the fox or not
  2. well like bob says it is possible i have done it with success ive pulled the bullet off and using my lee scales weighed the powder charge and i have loaded some hyper velocity 22 rimmys but to tell the truth with them being so cheap it not worth the hassle really ive done the cci stingers removing the bullet 32grain and replaced it with a 40 grain NEVER EVER ATTEMPT DOING THIS UNLESS FULLY CONFFIDENT AS IT IS VERY TRICKY AND ALSO DANGOUROUS IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING AS WITH ALL RELOADING
  3. if you dont get any money back i would get the police involved as its deception by fraud
  4. i agree strongly with the above
  5. well i would go there for a meal and pudding etc and eat the lot and when relaxing having a drink id kindly puke it all up all over there resturant and that would hit them in the pocket as all the other customers would either start puking up or get up and walk out and then they would loss custom and there is not a thing they can do about it a good way to get back the 19 quid they have took off your daughter and your daughter will have the last laugh
  6. anyone here actually been dipped though? If you stay away from farmers markets the odds are pretty low in a non commercial vehicle. I run a courier company and have done for 8 years I've not been dipped or had any of my drivers dipped in that time. yeh but would you like the chance of lossing your car van truck etc im pretty sure most of us would not like to loose our cars vans trucks etc so is it worth the risk , i guess more and more people will be moving over to the cheaper diesel (red) but i think customs will be aware of this and will be dipping more tanks as time goes on with the ever increasing fuel prices so best be safe than sorry
  7. hi teal its gone up 5pence in less than a month here sodding rip offs
  8. well it now 130.9 at my local garage now WHEN IS IT GOING TO STOP !!!!!! i think it may be time for another national fuel strike to make the goverment listen to us they have lossed millions of pounds and the only way they can get it back is to rip off their own people to pay for their mistakes like the northern rock which is still in the poop and other things they have wasted money on its the only thing that goes up but never comes back down again !!!!!!
  9. ever thought of making bio diesel and selling it make from waste cooking oil invest a few quid to get your self set up and you will rake in the money the way the diesel fuel is priced now you would make a killing at it
  10. anyone selling any ?? its now 128.9 at my local garage what price is it at your local garage
  11. radio1ham


    chances are you will most likey break the dynamo not worth doing get bigger gen or use house mains
  12. yep ive done that before aswell was even more fun watching next door`s cat bounce off them
  13. well sounds to me like you have popped something inside the control box itself could be a switching transistor or a variable voltage regulator which controls the voltage to the motor but dont quote me on that as i have not seen inside one but i summise the circiut if any should be quite simple if you cant fix it maybe try and get your hands on and old trainset control unit as i remember them being 12 volt aswell and also you could change speed of the train and make it go forwards or backwards which could be used to rotate the pigeon magnet left or right anyway its just a thought
  14. hi russ i got the lamp (55watt halogen) from rs i think i paid just short of 14 quid for it and the filters (disco light filters) from maplins were a fiver the filters are a nice tight fit into the front of the lamp so they dont fall out still not a bad price to pay well worthit in my eyes as gun shops charge the earth for these things
  15. hi russ i got the lamp (55watt halogen) from rs i think i paid just short of 14 quid for it and the filters (disco light filters) from maplins were a fiver the filters are a nice tight fit into the front of the lamp so they dont fall out still not a bad price to pay well worthit in my eyes as gun shops charge the earth for these things
  16. i would go with second hand aswell and then whats left over out of budget he can use for cartridges
  17. hello everyone well i just thought id put my lamp and selection of filters on aswell i must admit it did not cost me a fortune but does the job for rabbitting and foxing and other vermin aswell but cant complain for the price of it oh forgot it cost less than 20 quid
  18. i had the .22 rf version good thing with it was could hold 16rf bullets in it nice and light aswell to carry around all day
  19. smooth radio for me up here in the north east they play the kind of music we can understand not this loud banging thumping music and screaming ****
  20. our tess was 15 when we lost her last year to cancer she was a cross foxhound labrador one hell of a dog sadly missed by all that new her
  21. radio1ham


    well anyone want to add me on skype feel free same as user name on here
  22. i use a fine oil stone on my skinnning knifes on knife i had since i was about 12 which is a 6 inch sheath knife is like a razor ive cut my self a few time with it not relising so shows how sharp it is alot depends on the angle the blade is sharpened at aswell i usually sharpen to the angle of the blade
  23. well i decoyed crows to grass so i imagine you can do it with pigeons aswell try scattering a bit straw around with decoys they may be inquizetive thinking there is something to eat for them give it a go nothing ventured nothing gained
  24. well when i reload my 410`s i use fibre and cardboard and also when the wifes not looking i use the kitchen roll aswell which all rott away
  25. yep it used to be 47pence a litre at the shops near me but has shot up to over a quid thats just in a few months aswell like the fuel it just keeps going up and up no coming back down i think its beacuse they know a lot of people are starting to use it in their cars wish my car would run on the stuff as id be round the chippys getting the used oil i dare say my skoda would run on it but just a matter of getting it the same viscosity as deisel as i did try to run my skoda on veg oil was ok for a couple of weeks then the deisel pump packed up i was lucky to get another pump second hand but my old peoguot 309 i had loved veg oil it ran on it neat no mixing wish i still had it
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