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About malantone

  • Birthday 09/11/1946

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  • Interests
    shooting, metal detecting, gardening

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  1. make low tunnels with bent tin or bricks and wooden cover so that birds cant get in and put poison under them.
  2. Inform the police, at least tell him you will if he wont step down. If he refuses tell the rest of the syndicate, then the police.
  3. Water is just as, if not more important than food, plenty of drinking stations where you want the birds, one feeder plus one drinker. they do love the sun and as has been said, open the wood up to let the sun in where you want the birds plus all the previous comments including dogging in and you should have some success. you need workers in a shoot and if the oldies wont listen to the workers then ignore them and get on and do the work, I can only imagine how much extra growth there is on briar etc has taken place in 9 years. Every club or shoot will have a nucleus of 4 to 5 workers who are willing to have a go, and the others who want things their way and it`s everyone else`s fault if things go wrong, good luck mate, keep us informed.
  4. due to bird flue at high fly and I believe one other breeder, I can see poult prices being considerably inflated,
  5. yes its brewers grains you want usually free of charge to get rid of them.
  6. Don`t know where you are mate but Newton Rigg agricultural College near Penrith in Cumbria run a Game keepers course.
  7. this is all I use to reload 243 . I get consistent rounds and rarely miss. http://www.henrykrank.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=164_181_474
  8. if you have fox stop grills on the pop holes open them any time, lets the occasional escape artist back in.
  9. Bought my last car Toyota Hilux 2yrs oldon a 59 plate, I paid 16,000, the original owner paid about £25000 new, so he took the big hit, I have no intention of selling it . a 3ltr engine will never wear out as long as it is regularly serviced.
  11. It all depends on the skill of your beaters, you walk them to the fence quietly and apply pressure by tapping sticks but taking your time approaching the Mob, they will then break in small bunches, if you put to much pressure on to soon they will all panic an go in one large bunch. as for flying ability the older they are the stronger they get
  12. I replaced the spring in an old HW35 with an ox mainspring this spring being square in section gives you nearly twice the metal as a round section spring. I found it awesome but I never had it chronoed and suspect it was probably over 12ft/lb be careful.
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