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Everything posted by ditchman

  1. whilst they are at it they can take that bloody cat from 10 Downing street and its bloody owner
  2. used sirloin steak and a shed load of red wine ...1 1/2 in the oven at 190deg jobs a gooden and sweetheart fine chopped cabbage with maldon sea salt ...butter and black pepper will have leftovers 2moz with mashed swede and sweetheart cabbage
  3. nearly expensive as Golden virginia Bullion silver spot price today is £24.58p/oz........and you are paying £40 quid/oz for posh compost
  4. if you dont put weight on eating stuff like that you have got damn worms
  5. judging buy the posts you have been making over the last few weeks ...my advice to you is........ STOP TAKING YOUR SHELLAC............you have OD'eed..........your brain is making appointments that your willy cant keep
  6. very nice...nice to see you are taking care of yourself you look back 18mths at the stuff you were "living" on...and see this stuff now...you have really cracked it
  7. and not a flat cap or a roll up to be seen anywhere ....disgusting coarse of events
  8. whats this is it something you take at night for better sleep ?
  9. watching the live pics on TV..............apolytictic........the whole tanker is burning
  10. off yorkshire coast.......... clear day......miles visability.........................errrr...............torrorist action ? tanker carring 58 million litres of aviation fuel
  11. OLD BOGGY you are totaly right...when i posted it i thought to myself "have i got that right" but i think im right in saying that Betinsoli come under the umberella of Beretta
  12. proberly the best advice on this thread."dont over think it".........KISS.............keep it simple stupid
  13. Keep asking questions ...of yourself...what are you looking for ....what build are you (weight) ask questions of your gun..what weight what chokes..what range you are shooting at and thirdly...................ASK LOADS OF QUESTIONS.... none of us on here can give you the definitive answer...this is something you are going to have to work out for yourself....but keep asking "why" the more you learn about chokes/cartridges/barrel lenght/fibre wad/plastic wad.......then you will start to answer some of your own questions..........
  14. looks in good condition............i bet that will eat well after cooling and hanging..................nice looking pelt on it ..are you tempted ?..
  15. is the Crown a copy of one of the Holland&Holland models ?
  16. the last dating site i used were the back pages of the sunday sport..
  17. all i know of them is they make or made copies of historical weapons.....never heard anything bad about them... i think the company comes under the umbrella of Beretta...
  18. about ...."sharp intake of breath" followed by ...." £oh-dear" looking on the net a clutch kit will cost anywhere from 60-700 quid...to that you will have to add 5 Hours labour......alot does depend on the model 308 you have..... then add bloody VAT........
  19. last night about 9ish oclock i was in the bedroom makingthe bed and i leaned out of the bedroom window to have a gander.....next doors securitylights were on.....and i swear blind i saw a bat flit thro the light......was i mistaken ? anyone else seen a bat ?
  20. this sunshine is so welcome ..makes you feel so much better...after such a dull winter...whilst in the kitchen cooking ive had my back door open all day..
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